Comparative Study of Family Members’ Rights and Duties in Zoroastrianism and Islam

Document Type : Original Article


1 Departmant of History, University of Tehran

2 Dep. of History, University

3 Dep. of History, University of Tehran


Family is the foundation of social life and the cornerstone of the society. After marriage and family formation, each of the members, including the parents and children, is going to have special rights and duties towards one another. In Zoroastrianism after legal and official marriage, known as pādixšāyīhā zani, family members acquire certain rights. This type of marriage is much like permanent marriage in Islam, in which family members have certain rights and duties too. Conducting a comparative study, this article surveys the rights and duties of family members from the perspective of both Zoroastrianism and Islam, showing that there are many similarities between these two religions that might be an indication of the continuity between their traditions.
Conducting a comparative study, this article surveys the rights and duties of family members from the perspective of both Zoroastrianism and Islam, showing that there are many similarities between these two religions that might be an indication of the continuity between their traditions.


فهرست منابع
منابع فارسی
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