Absolute Legal Power of the Owner to Exercise Domination over Property
Indefinite Iqa' and Unilateral Commitment
(Challenge, Study, Conclusion) [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 11-33]
Access to Lawyer
The Role of Supreme Court in Unification and Progress of Law concerning the Attorney at Law [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 67-94]
Non-participation in Criminal Conduct and Imposing Criminal Liability: Joint Criminal Enterprise in Iranian and International Criminal Law [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 317-342]
Acquired Citizenship
Citizenship of women and children emanating from the marriage of an Iranian woman to a non-Iranian man through a comparative scrutiny of England Law [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 11-36]
Ad-hoc Tribunals
Non-participation in Criminal Conduct and Imposing Criminal Liability: Joint Criminal Enterprise in Iranian and International Criminal Law [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 317-342]
Administrative Contracts
Consequences of Covid 19 on Administrative Contracts [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 557-585]
Lawyer's professional considerations in negotiation as an alternative dispute resolution method [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 181-207]
Advocate on Duty
Pathology of advocacylaws in realization of fair trial [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 11-36]
Advocate'؛ s Independence
Pathology of advocacylaws in realization of fair trial [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 11-36]
AI judge
The Challenges in Employing of AI Judge in Civil Proceedings [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 419-444]
Air Law
Regulating Civil Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in the Framework of International law;
In the Circulation Between National and International Jurisdiction [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 335-362]
Algorithmic Decision-making System
Smart Courts: a study of necessity and Challenges [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 153-179]
Algorithmic Justice
The Challenges in Employing of AI Judge in Civil Proceedings [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 419-444]
The Possibility of protection Artificial Intelligence Algorithms under the Copyright System: A Comparative Study in the European Union and the United States [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 87-110]
Alternative Punishments
Coronavirus and its Effect on Prisons and Prisoners [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 381-398]
Animal Rights
Analysis of the outbreak of Covid-19 disease from the perspective of environmental law [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 181-205]
Arbitration Contract
arbitrator's contract [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 417-437]
Arbitration panel
The Independence and Impartiality of Arbitrator in International Arbitration with Emphasis on Judicial Judgments [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 39-66]
Arbitrator'؛ s Contract
arbitrator's contract [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 417-437]
Arbitrator'؛ s Obligation
arbitrator's contract [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 417-437]
Armed conflict
Assessing of construction and use of underground warfare with the legal principles of armed conflict [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 37-57]
Armed conflict
The effect of pandemics on the implementation of International Humanitarian Law:
A study of the situation resulting from the Covid-19 virus [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 795-814]
Article 667 of the Civil Code
"Consideration" or "performance" of the client's expediency by the lawyer in Iranian and British law [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 119-152]
Article 79 of the Constitution
Constitutional Law Requirements for Dealing with Emergency Situations with emphasis on Covid 19 [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 767-793]
Artificial Intelligence
The Legal Regime of Cloud Computing Contracts [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 219-244]
Artificial Intelligence
The Analysis of Big data Challenges for Competition Law [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 295-320]
Artificial Intelligence
The Challenges in Employing of AI Judge in Civil Proceedings [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 419-444]
Artificial Intelligence
Legal Aspects of Deepfake [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 193-218]
Artificial Intelligence
The Possibility of protection Artificial Intelligence Algorithms under the Copyright System: A Comparative Study in the European Union and the United States [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 87-110]
Artificial Intelligence
Smart Courts: a study of necessity and Challenges [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 153-179]
Art. No 30 of Civil Code
Indefinite Iqa' and Unilateral Commitment
(Challenge, Study, Conclusion) [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 11-33]
Attorney law
Lawyers' disciplinary responsibility and the principles of its procedure [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 37-66]
Automated Message System
Analysis of the nature and effects of contracts concluded by automated message systems [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 129-153]
Autonomy Principle
Increase the efficiency of letters of credit with private blockchain technology and smart contracts and comparative assessment of compliance with the rules [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 445-478]
Non-participation in Criminal Conduct and Imposing Criminal Liability: Joint Criminal Enterprise in Iranian and International Criminal Law [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 317-342]
Bar of association
Lawyers' disciplinary responsibility and the principles of its procedure [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 37-66]
Big data
The Analysis of Big data Challenges for Competition Law [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 295-320]
Bill of Lading
Increase the efficiency of letters of credit with private blockchain technology and smart contracts and comparative assessment of compliance with the rules [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 445-478]
Biotechnology in the Perspective of the Right to Health in the Light of International Instruments and Domestic Laws: Challenges and Solutions [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 241-264]
The necessity of international regulation of blockchain and crypto assets [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 245-272]
E-learning and the Challenges of Copyright Infringement in the Covid 19 era [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 355-379]
Corona effects on business performance and providing a technological model to meet its challenges [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 527-555]
The necessity of international regulation of blockchain and crypto assets [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 245-272]
Analysis of general conditions of smart contracts validity from Iranian and American legal perspective [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 303-335]
Body language
The effect of negotiation skill on the lawyer act and the importance of educating it by bar association [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 287-310]
Brain Damage
Legal aspects of Termination or Continuation of Treatment of Vegetative State [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 317-339]
Cairo power
The effect of coronavirus on the civil liability of the committed. [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 733-748]
Causes of Disputes
Origins, Causes and Typology of Disputes in Petroleum Contracts [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 341-367]
Children and adolescents. crime. Criminal justice model
Aspects of the criminal justice model in response to juvenile delinquency [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 111-128]
Citizenship of Children
Citizenship of women and children emanating from the marriage of an Iranian woman to a non-Iranian man through a comparative scrutiny of England Law [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 11-36]
Citizenship of Women
Citizenship of women and children emanating from the marriage of an Iranian woman to a non-Iranian man through a comparative scrutiny of England Law [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 11-36]
; Jurisprudential-legal analysis of service companies with emphasis on judicial procedure; [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 247-270]
Civil Liability
The effect of coronavirus on the civil liability of the committed. [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 733-748]
Civil Liability
The civil liability of harmful person in infection of corona virus [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 587-618]
Civil Liability
The basis of IOT civil liability [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 219-245]
Civil Procedure
Repudiation to E-Check in light of the amendments to the Check Code in 2018 [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 11-34]
Civil proceeding
The Challenges in Employing of AI Judge in Civil Proceedings [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 419-444]
Cloud Computing Services
The Legal Regime of Cloud Computing Contracts [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 219-244]
Codes of conduct for Lawyers
The Legal Status of Professional Standards for Lawyers
(A Comparative Study) [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 209-239]
Committee on Economic
Biotechnology in the Perspective of the Right to Health in the Light of International Instruments and Domestic Laws: Challenges and Solutions [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 241-264]
; Jurisprudential-legal analysis of service companies with emphasis on judicial procedure; [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 247-270]
Company "
; Jurisprudential-legal analysis of service companies with emphasis on judicial procedure; [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 247-270]
Company law
Study of Changes in Company law in the Coronavirus Pandemic
From the Perspective of Theoretical and Legal Basis [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 291-320]
Comparative study
The Possibility of protection Artificial Intelligence Algorithms under the Copyright System: A Comparative Study in the European Union and the United States [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 87-110]
Reparation of Aerial accidents under International Law with Emphasize On 752 Ukrainian Flight [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 369-393]
Competition Law
Loss of Efficient Competition in Public Procurement and Market Failure [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 291-216]
Competition Law
The Analysis of Big data Challenges for Competition Law [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 295-320]
Competition Law
Challenges for Competition Law during Prevalence of Covid-19 [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 321-353]
Legal Investigation of Concession Contracts for Execution of Operation by the Iranian Exploration and Production Companies [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 143-170]
Conditions of the lawyer
Study of the Status and Independence of Attorney-at-Law Based on Jurisprudential Principles and History of Jurisprudence [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 265-286]
The Legal Status of Professional Standards for Lawyers
(A Comparative Study) [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 209-239]
Consequences of termination
Termination of the employment contract between the club and the professional and its consequences with emphasis on FIFA rules and jurisprudence of sports law [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 265-292]
Historical developments of the modern concept of the Constitution [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 297-328]
Contempt of the Court
Pathology of advocacylaws in realization of fair trial [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 11-36]
Contract Area
Unitization and Determination of Tract Participation in Unit Operating Agreements [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 155-178]
Copyright and Related rights
New horizons of intellectual property rights in the perspective of Directive (EU) 2019/790 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 267-294]
Emergency Model of Civil Procedure in Corona Virus Pandemic [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 31-52]
The legal system of the health emergency condition to fight against the Covid-19 epidemic in France [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 649-681]
Coronavirus and its Effect on Prisons and Prisoners [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 381-398]
Corona Virus
The effect of Covid19 virus on criminal proceedings; Opportunities and Challenges [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 419-439]
Corona Virus
The effect of pandemics on the implementation of International Humanitarian Law:
A study of the situation resulting from the Covid-19 virus [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 795-814]
Corona Virus
Covid virus effects on intellectual property rights [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 261-290]
Corona Virus
The liability of air carriers for spread of communicable viruses
With emphasis on Covid 19 pandemic [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 399-418]
Corona Virus
Corona effects on business performance and providing a technological model to meet its challenges [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 527-555]
Corona Virus
The effect of coronavirus on the civil liability of the committed. [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 733-748]
Corona Virus
The civil liability of harmful person in infection of corona virus [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 587-618]
Corona Virus
Effects of Covid epidemic on family regulations [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 507-526]
Corona Virus
A Consideration of International Health Organization Regulations (2005) emphasizing on the Outbreak of Coronavirus Pandemic [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 119-136]
Coronavirus Pandemic
Study of Changes in Company law in the Coronavirus Pandemic
From the Perspective of Theoretical and Legal Basis [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 291-320]
Corvid 19
E-learning and the Challenges of Copyright Infringement in the Covid 19 era [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 355-379]
Counterfeit Medicines
Counterfeit in Medical Products under the Situation of Coronavirus Pandemic and the Necessity for the Realization of Hard Law at International Level [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 163-180]
Court of Arbitration for Sport
An Essay on Access to Fair Trial Before the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 395-420]
Court of Arbitration for Sport Dispute Resolution Chamber of FIFA
Termination of the employment contract between the club and the professional and its consequences with emphasis on FIFA rules and jurisprudence of sports law [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 265-292]
Covid 19
Constitutional Law Requirements for Dealing with Emergency Situations with emphasis on Covid 19 [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 767-793]
Covid 19
Consequences of Covid 19 on Administrative Contracts [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 557-585]
Covid 19
Covid virus effects on intellectual property rights [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 261-290]
Covid 19
Human Rights Dimensions and Challenges of Covid 19 [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 53-91]
Covid 19
The liability of air carriers for spread of communicable viruses
With emphasis on Covid 19 pandemic [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 399-418]
Covid 19
Criminal liability for the transmission of Covid 19 virus in the Iranian legal system [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 11-30]
Covid 19
Effects of Covid epidemic on family regulations [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 507-526]
Covid 19
The legal system of the health emergency condition to fight against the Covid-19 epidemic in France [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 649-681]
Counterfeit in Medical Products under the Situation of Coronavirus Pandemic and the Necessity for the Realization of Hard Law at International Level [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 163-180]
Analysis of the outbreak of Covid-19 disease from the perspective of environmental law [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 181-205]
COVID-19 and the International obligations of states concerning
Control of the pandemic diseases [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 619-647]
International Responsibility of States in Humanitarian Assistance: Emphasizing the issue of the COVID-19 pandemic [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 207-235]
Health Law and the COVID-19 related Stigma and Discrimination [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 749-766]
International Criminal Law and Epidemic Viruses: A Case Study of Covid-19 [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 441-459]
Covid-19 Disease
Challenges for Competition Law during Prevalence of Covid-19 [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 321-353]
Covid-19 virus
Challenges of Administrative Law in Managing Health Emergencies [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 237-260]
Crimes against Public Health
Counterfeit in Medical Products under the Situation of Coronavirus Pandemic and the Necessity for the Realization of Hard Law at International Level [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 163-180]
Criminal Justice
Formal lawyer” Objections to the standardization of Public defenders [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 355-378]
Criminal Liability
Non-participation in Criminal Conduct and Imposing Criminal Liability: Joint Criminal Enterprise in Iranian and International Criminal Law [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 317-342]
Criminal Liability
Criminal liability for the transmission of Covid 19 virus in the Iranian legal system [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 11-30]
The Difference between the Basics in Governmental Criminology and Criminological Governance [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 215-240]
An Analytical Exploration of the Legal Dimensions Governing the Financial Measures of the Government (Sovereignty) in Times of Crisis with Emphasis on the Covid-19 Pandemic [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 93-118]
The legal system of the health emergency condition to fight against the Covid-19 epidemic in France [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 649-681]
Critical Legal Studies
Jacques Derrida and Deconstruction of Law [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 59-85]
Crypto Asset
The necessity of international regulation of blockchain and crypto assets [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 245-272]
Understanding Cryptocurrency and the Challenges Facing Legal Systems [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 113-142]
Feasibility of including elimination rules on miners (cryptocurrency mining devices) [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 63-86]
Analysis of general conditions of smart contracts validity from Iranian and American legal perspective [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 303-335]
Investigation of Criminology in Culture and Its Theoretical Limitations [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 119-144]
Cyber Law
International Law Reaction to the Dark Web: Why and How [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 87-112]
Cyber Security
Cyber Security in the European Union: Threats, Opportunities, Actions
(From Beginning up to 2021) [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 273-302]
Cyber Security Agency of the European Union
Cyber Security in the European Union: Threats, Opportunities, Actions
(From Beginning up to 2021) [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 273-302]
Dark Web
International Law Reaction to the Dark Web: Why and How [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 87-112]
Data Message
Repudiation to E-Check in light of the amendments to the Check Code in 2018 [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 11-34]
Data Mining
New horizons of intellectual property rights in the perspective of Directive (EU) 2019/790 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 267-294]
Determination of Tract Participation
Unitization and Determination of Tract Participation in Unit Operating Agreements [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 155-178]
Development of Personality
Protection of Informational Self-determination in the Constitutional System of The Federal Republic of Germany with regard to the European Union Procedure [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 393-418]
Digital currency
Understanding Cryptocurrency and the Challenges Facing Legal Systems [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 113-142]
Digital Rights Management
E-learning and the Challenges of Copyright Infringement in the Covid 19 era [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 355-379]
Digital single market
New horizons of intellectual property rights in the perspective of Directive (EU) 2019/790 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 267-294]
Indefinite Iqa' and Unilateral Commitment
(Challenge, Study, Conclusion) [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 11-33]
Dispute Resolution
arbitrator's contract [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 417-437]
Origins, Causes and Typology of Disputes in Petroleum Contracts [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 341-367]
Dispute settlement body
Commercial Reparation Approaches in WTO Documents and Practice with emphasis on Safeguard and Anti-Dumping Measures [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 397-419]
Domestic violence
Adapting Criminal Policy of France to Combating Domestic Violence in
Lockdown Period of Covid-19 [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 451-478]
Dowry; subordinating the general rules of the preliminary debts or subordinating the specific system?
(a contemplation on revocation of article 22 of the code of “family protection” by the new code of “implementation way of monetary convictions”) [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 203-225]
Due process of Law
Pathology of advocacylaws in realization of fair trial [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 11-36]
Duties of couples
Effects of Covid epidemic on family regulations [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 507-526]
Repudiation to E-Check in light of the amendments to the Check Code in 2018 [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 11-34]
Economic crisis
Challenges for Competition Law during Prevalence of Covid-19 [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 321-353]
Educational use
New horizons of intellectual property rights in the perspective of Directive (EU) 2019/790 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 267-294]
Education of convicts
correctional sentencing based on the education of convicts [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 385-410]
Elected Prosecutor
The official position of the prosecution under the principle of separation of powers
(Case Study: Iran-US) [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 179-201]
Electronic Agent
Analysis of the nature and effects of contracts concluded by automated message systems [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 129-153]
Electronic Contract
Analysis of general conditions of smart contracts validity from Iranian and American legal perspective [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 303-335]
Electronic Money"
Understanding Cryptocurrency and the Challenges Facing Legal Systems [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 113-142]
Electronic Trial
Coronavirus and its Effect on Prisons and Prisoners [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 381-398]
Electronic Trial
Delibretion on the strengths and weaknesses of filing lawsuits through judicial electronic service offices and analyzing the obligation of individuals to file lawsuits through the mentioned offices [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 35-62]
Emergency Situation
Challenges of Administrative Law in Managing Health Emergencies [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 237-260]
Emotional intelligence
The effect of negotiation skill on the lawyer act and the importance of educating it by bar association [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 287-310]
Employment relationship؛
The Impact of Covid-19 on Employment Relations in Iran [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 711-732]
England Law
Citizenship of women and children emanating from the marriage of an Iranian woman to a non-Iranian man through a comparative scrutiny of England Law [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 11-36]
English law
"Consideration" or "performance" of the client's expediency by the lawyer in Iranian and British law [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 119-152]
Environmental Law Suspension
Analysis of the outbreak of Covid-19 disease from the perspective of environmental law [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 181-205]
Epidemic and the Regulatory State [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 461-478]
Epistemic Foundationalism
Theory of Insidad in the Shiite Epistemological Thought;
An Introduction to Secularization of the Religious Legal System [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 11-38]
European Union
Cyber Security in the European Union: Threats, Opportunities, Actions
(From Beginning up to 2021) [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 273-302]
Excessive pricing
Challenges for Competition Law during Prevalence of Covid-19 [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 321-353]
Execution of criminal sentences
The principle of judicial execution of criminal sentences and its challenges in Iranian criminal law [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 93-114]
Executive power
The official position of the prosecution under the principle of separation of powers
(Case Study: Iran-US) [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 179-201]
Fair Trial
An Essay on Access to Fair Trial Before the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 395-420]
Fair Trial
The principle of judicial execution of criminal sentences and its challenges in Iranian criminal law [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 93-114]
Fair Trial
Formal lawyer” Objections to the standardization of Public defenders [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 355-378]
Family Law
Effects of Covid epidemic on family regulations [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 507-526]
Financial and accounting relations
An Analytical Exploration of the Legal Dimensions Governing the Financial Measures of the Government (Sovereignty) in Times of Crisis with Emphasis on the Covid-19 Pandemic [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 93-118]
Financial Technology
Regulatory sandbox and its challenges in Iranian legal system [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 169-192]
Regulatory sandbox and its challenges in Iranian legal system [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 169-192]
FinTech Loan
Corona effects on business performance and providing a technological model to meet its challenges [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 527-555]
Fiqhī Rule
Theory of Insidad in the Shiite Epistemological Thought;
An Introduction to Secularization of the Religious Legal System [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 11-38]
Five-year development plan law
A Critical Look at the Content of the Five-Year Development Plan Law in the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 347-372]
Freedom of Expression and Information
Human Rights Dimensions and Challenges of Covid 19 [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 53-91]
Fundamental Rights and Freedoms
Constitutional Law Requirements for Dealing with Emergency Situations with emphasis on Covid 19 [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 767-793]
Neighbor Rights & Apartment Animals’ rights: A legal jurisprudetial analysis [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 195-214]
The Impact of Covid-19 on Employment Relations in Iran [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 711-732]
An Analytical Exploration of the Legal Dimensions Governing the Financial Measures of the Government (Sovereignty) in Times of Crisis with Emphasis on the Covid-19 Pandemic [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 93-118]
The effect of coronavirus on the civil liability of the committed. [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 733-748]
Reflection on the government's civil liability for damages caused by the corona virus In Iranian and French law [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 137-162]
Government Intervention
Epidemic and the Regulatory State [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 461-478]
Government sovereignty of document registration
Organizing a notary public company in the light of the notary public representation (Using the data of comparative law) [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 329-352]
Hard Law
Counterfeit in Medical Products under the Situation of Coronavirus Pandemic and the Necessity for the Realization of Hard Law at International Level [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 163-180]
Health administrative law
Challenges of Administrative Law in Managing Health Emergencies [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 237-260]
Health Law and the COVID-19 related Stigma and Discrimination [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 749-766]
Health crisis
Challenges of Administrative Law in Managing Health Emergencies [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 237-260]
Health Security
International Criminal Law and Epidemic Viruses: A Case Study of Covid-19 [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 441-459]
Historical Developments
Historical developments of the modern concept of the Constitution [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 297-328]
History of jurisprudence
Study of the Status and Independence of Attorney-at-Law Based on Jurisprudential Principles and History of Jurisprudence [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 265-286]
Humanitarian Assistance
International Responsibility of States in Humanitarian Assistance: Emphasizing the issue of the COVID-19 pandemic [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 207-235]
Human rights
Human Rights Dimensions and Challenges of Covid 19 [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 53-91]
Human rights
The necessity of reviewing the concept of Fundamental Human Rights as Peremptory Norms of International Law (jus cogens) [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 227-245]
The liability of air carriers for spread of communicable viruses
With emphasis on Covid 19 pandemic [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 399-418]
Identifying characters
The effect of negotiation skill on the lawyer act and the importance of educating it by bar association [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 287-310]
Reflection on the government's civil liability for damages caused by the corona virus In Iranian and French law [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 137-162]
The Independence and Impartiality of Arbitrator in International Arbitration with Emphasis on Judicial Judgments [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 39-66]
Impossibility of Performance of Obligation
Suspension of the Contract in Case of Temporary Impossibility of Performance of the Obligation [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 95-118]
Indefinite Iqa'
Indefinite Iqa' and Unilateral Commitment
(Challenge, Study, Conclusion) [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 11-33]
The Independence and Impartiality of Arbitrator in International Arbitration with Emphasis on Judicial Judgments [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 39-66]
The Basics and Challenges of Accepting Independent Directors in Corporate Governance [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 145-170]
Independence and Impartiality
An Essay on Access to Fair Trial Before the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 395-420]
Independence of Prosecutor's Office
The official position of the prosecution under the principle of separation of powers
(Case Study: Iran-US) [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 179-201]
Independence of the lawyer
Study of the Status and Independence of Attorney-at-Law Based on Jurisprudential Principles and History of Jurisprudence [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 265-286]
Independence of the legal profession
The need for the independence of the legal profession and solutions for the interaction of this institution with the judiciary [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 311-332]
Industrial and commercial property rights
Covid virus effects on intellectual property rights [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 261-290]
Protection of Informational Self-determination in the Constitutional System of The Federal Republic of Germany with regard to the European Union Procedure [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 393-418]
Information Technology
The Legal Regime of Cloud Computing Contracts [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 219-244]
Infringement of intellectual property rights
E-learning and the Challenges of Copyright Infringement in the Covid 19 era [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 355-379]
Regulatory sandbox and its challenges in Iranian legal system [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 169-192]
Theory of Insidad in the Shiite Epistemological Thought;
An Introduction to Secularization of the Religious Legal System [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 11-38]
Dowry; subordinating the general rules of the preliminary debts or subordinating the specific system?
(a contemplation on revocation of article 22 of the code of “family protection” by the new code of “implementation way of monetary convictions”) [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 203-225]
Intensity Threshold of Violence
Considering applicability of International Humanitarian Law to Transnational Armed Groups [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 183-207]
International Carriage of Goods
The “Right of Control” under “Rotterdam Rules”;
A Comparative Study with other Conventions on Carriage of Goods and Domestic Laws [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 41-66]
International commerce
The necessity of international regulation of blockchain and crypto assets [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 245-272]
International Criminal Law
International Criminal Law and Epidemic Viruses: A Case Study of Covid-19 [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 441-459]
International Health Organization Regulation(2005)
A Consideration of International Health Organization Regulations (2005) emphasizing on the Outbreak of Coronavirus Pandemic [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 119-136]
International Health Regulations
COVID-19 and the International obligations of states concerning
Control of the pandemic diseases [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 619-647]
International Humanitarian Law
Considering applicability of International Humanitarian Law to Transnational Armed Groups [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 183-207]
International Humanitarian Law
Assessing of construction and use of underground warfare with the legal principles of armed conflict [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 37-57]
International Humanitarian Law
The effect of pandemics on the implementation of International Humanitarian Law:
A study of the situation resulting from the Covid-19 virus [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 795-814]
International Instruments
International Law Reaction to the Dark Web: Why and How [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 87-112]
International Law
Critical Considerations on the Identical Constitutive Elements of International Responsibility of States and International Organizations [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 69-94]
International Law
COVID-19 and the International obligations of states concerning
Control of the pandemic diseases [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 619-647]
International Law
The necessity of reviewing the concept of Fundamental Human Rights as Peremptory Norms of International Law (jus cogens) [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 227-245]
International Law Commission
Critical Considerations on the Identical Constitutive Elements of International Responsibility of States and International Organizations [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 69-94]
International Marriage
A study of formal conditions of International marriage in Iran, Pakistan and United kingdom law [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 265-290]
International organizations
Critical Considerations on the Identical Constitutive Elements of International Responsibility of States and International Organizations [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 69-94]
International peace and security
The Imposition of Aviation Sanctions Threat on International Peace and Security [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 67-92]
International Regulation
The necessity of international regulation of blockchain and crypto assets [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 245-272]
International sale of Goods
The “Right of Control” under “Rotterdam Rules”;
A Comparative Study with other Conventions on Carriage of Goods and Domestic Laws [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 41-66]
International Treaty
The necessity of reviewing the concept of Fundamental Human Rights as Peremptory Norms of International Law (jus cogens) [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 227-245]
The Legal Regime of Cloud Computing Contracts [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 219-244]
The basis of IOT civil liability [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 219-245]
Legal Investigation of Concession Contracts for Execution of Operation by the Iranian Exploration and Production Companies [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 143-170]
Indefinite Iqa' and Unilateral Commitment
(Challenge, Study, Conclusion) [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 11-33]
Legal Investigation of Concession Contracts for Execution of Operation by the Iranian Exploration and Production Companies [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 143-170]
Iranian law
Citizenship of women and children emanating from the marriage of an Iranian woman to a non-Iranian man through a comparative scrutiny of England Law [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 11-36]
Iranian law
"Consideration" or "performance" of the client's expediency by the lawyer in Iranian and British law [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 119-152]
Jacques Derrida
Jacques Derrida and Deconstruction of Law [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 59-85]
Joint criminal enterprise
Non-participation in Criminal Conduct and Imposing Criminal Liability: Joint Criminal Enterprise in Iranian and International Criminal Law [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 317-342]
Judge for the execution of criminal sentences
The principle of judicial execution of criminal sentences and its challenges in Iranian criminal law [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 93-114]
Judges’ Desire for Fame
Amendment of the Judiciary through Revision of Laws and Regulations [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 369-394]
The principle of judicial execution of criminal sentences and its challenges in Iranian criminal law [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 93-114]
The need for the independence of the legal profession and solutions for the interaction of this institution with the judiciary [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 311-332]
Judiciary power
The official position of the prosecution under the principle of separation of powers
(Case Study: Iran-US) [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 179-201]
Jus Cogens
The necessity of reviewing the concept of Fundamental Human Rights as Peremptory Norms of International Law (jus cogens) [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 227-245]
Just Cause
Termination of the employment contract between the club and the professional and its consequences with emphasis on FIFA rules and jurisprudence of sports law [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 265-292]
Keywords: Advocacy based on the opinion of jurisprudence
Study of the Status and Independence of Attorney-at-Law Based on Jurisprudential Principles and History of Jurisprudence [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 265-286]
Keywords. International Responsibility
Critical Considerations on the Identical Constitutive Elements of International Responsibility of States and International Organizations [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 69-94]
Keywords: public policy
Extraterritorial application of laws in corporate groups and investigation of its foundations [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 35-68]
Labor Law
The Impact of Covid-19 on Employment Relations in Iran [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 711-732]
Legal challenges
Legal Aspects of Deepfake [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 193-218]
Legal Proceedings
The effect of Covid19 virus on criminal proceedings; Opportunities and Challenges [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 419-439]
Legal Sanctions to codes of conduct
The Legal Status of Professional Standards for Lawyers
(A Comparative Study) [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 209-239]
Legal tools
The Difference between the Basics in Governmental Criminology and Criminological Governance [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 215-240]
Legal Treatises
Sovereignty as Monarchy; An instance in the place of the concept
"The idea of national sovereignty from the initial encounters to its transformation in the legal treatises of the Constitutional Revolution" [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 353-383]
Liberty International Criminal Court
The pre trial investigation model of without barrier in Iran, comparison with the judicial supercision of pre trial chamber of ICC [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 411-434]
Litigation Costs
The Challenges of Third-Party Litigation Funding for Funded Party, Third-Party Funder and Opposing Side in the Case [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 171-196]
Litigation Funding
The Challenges of Third-Party Litigation Funding for Funded Party, Third-Party Funder and Opposing Side in the Case [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 171-196]
Litigation Funding Agreement
The Challenges of Third-Party Litigation Funding for Funded Party, Third-Party Funder and Opposing Side in the Case [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 171-196]
Loss of Certainty
Theory of Insidad in the Shiite Epistemological Thought;
An Introduction to Secularization of the Religious Legal System [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 11-38]
Medical Products
Counterfeit in Medical Products under the Situation of Coronavirus Pandemic and the Necessity for the Realization of Hard Law at International Level [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 163-180]
Medical Waste
Analysis of the outbreak of Covid-19 disease from the perspective of environmental law [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 181-205]
Misuse of dominant position
The Analysis of Big data Challenges for Competition Law [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 295-320]
Modern Legal-Political Thought
Sovereignty as Monarchy; An instance in the place of the concept
"The idea of national sovereignty from the initial encounters to its transformation in the legal treatises of the Constitutional Revolution" [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 353-383]
Modern technology law
The Challenges in Employing of AI Judge in Civil Proceedings [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 419-444]
Sovereignty as Monarchy; An instance in the place of the concept
"The idea of national sovereignty from the initial encounters to its transformation in the legal treatises of the Constitutional Revolution" [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 353-383]
Moral requirements
A study of moral and legal obligations in the thought of the late Mehdi Haeri Yazdi [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 373-395]
National sovereignty
Sovereignty as Monarchy; An instance in the place of the concept
"The idea of national sovereignty from the initial encounters to its transformation in the legal treatises of the Constitutional Revolution" [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 353-383]
Lawyer's professional considerations in negotiation as an alternative dispute resolution method [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 181-207]
New Regulatory Paradigm
Epidemic and the Regulatory State [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 461-478]
Human Rights Dimensions and Challenges of Covid 19 [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 53-91]
Non-international Armed conflict
Considering applicability of International Humanitarian Law to Transnational Armed Groups [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 183-207]
Biotechnology in the Perspective of the Right to Health in the Light of International Instruments and Domestic Laws: Challenges and Solutions [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 241-264]
Notary public.&emsp
Organizing a notary public company in the light of the notary public representation (Using the data of comparative law) [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 329-352]
Obligatory Attorneyship
The Role of Supreme Court in Unification and Progress of Law concerning the Attorney at Law [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 67-94]
Emergency Model of Civil Procedure in Corona Virus Pandemic [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 31-52]
Personality Based Selection
Amendment of the Judiciary through Revision of Laws and Regulations [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 369-394]
Petroleum Contracts
Origins, Causes and Typology of Disputes in Petroleum Contracts [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 341-367]
Philosophical Foundations
Factors influencing the decision of officials, public officials and judges from a legal perspective [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 245-266]
Philosophy of Corporate Law
Study of Changes in Company law in the Coronavirus Pandemic
From the Perspective of Theoretical and Legal Basis [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 291-320]
Platform markets
The Analysis of Big data Challenges for Competition Law [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 295-320]
Preliminary investigations
Accused's access to a lawyer in the courtroom stage in the legal system of Iran and France [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 95-117]
Pretense and intervention in advocacy
Examples of the crime of pretense and interference in the matter of attorney (a look at the purpose of the legislator) [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 333-353]
Principle of the Interdependency
Suspension of the Contract in Case of Temporary Impossibility of Performance of the Obligation [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 95-118]
Prior Legal Experience
Amendment of the Judiciary through Revision of Laws and Regulations [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 369-394]
The pre trial investigation model of without barrier in Iran, comparison with the judicial supercision of pre trial chamber of ICC [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 411-434]
An Introduction to the Implications and Legal Challenges of Metaverse [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 363-392]
Privacy sphere
Protection of Informational Self-determination in the Constitutional System of The Federal Republic of Germany with regard to the European Union Procedure [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 393-418]
The Legal Status of Professional Standards for Lawyers
(A Comparative Study) [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 209-239]
Procedural Justice
An Essay on Access to Fair Trial Before the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 395-420]
The basis of IOT civil liability [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 219-245]
Professional Legislative Assembly
Amendment of the Judiciary through Revision of Laws and Regulations [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 369-394]
Professional misconduct
The Legal Status of Professional Standards for Lawyers
(A Comparative Study) [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 209-239]
Project Finance
Application of Securities in Project Finace [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 239-264]
Project Finance
Legal requirements for satisfaction of bankability criteria in project finance pattern [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 95-118]
Proof of litigation
Reflecting on the rule of Daraa about confession [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 115-146]
Property Law
An Introduction to the Implications and Legal Challenges of Metaverse [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 363-392]
Prosecutor's Office
The official position of the prosecution under the principle of separation of powers
(Case Study: Iran-US) [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 179-201]
Proxy marriage
A study of formal conditions of International marriage in Iran, Pakistan and United kingdom law [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 265-290]
Public and private limited companies
Study of Changes in Company law in the Coronavirus Pandemic
From the Perspective of Theoretical and Legal Basis [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 291-320]
Public Defender
Pathology of advocacylaws in realization of fair trial [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 11-36]
Public defenders
Formal lawyer” Objections to the standardization of Public defenders [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 355-378]
Public Health State of emergency
Adapting Criminal Policy of France to Combating Domestic Violence in
Lockdown Period of Covid-19 [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 451-478]
Public Proceedings
An Essay on Access to Fair Trial Before the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 395-420]
Public Procurement
Loss of Efficient Competition in Public Procurement and Market Failure [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 291-216]
Public Services
Challenges of Administrative Law in Managing Health Emergencies [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 237-260]
Purchasing debt facilities
The Challenge of Recent Amendments related to the Check Issuance Law by Discounting Checks and Debt Purchasing (Comparative Study of the UNCITRAL Model Law and the Geneva Conventions, and UK-US Regulations) [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 271-296]
Redetermination of Tract Participation
Unitization and Determination of Tract Participation in Unit Operating Agreements [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 155-178]
Application of Securities in Project Finace [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 239-264]
Registration of marriage
A study of formal conditions of International marriage in Iran, Pakistan and United kingdom law [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 265-290]
Regulatory sandbox and its challenges in Iranian legal system [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 169-192]
Regulatory sandbox
Regulatory sandbox and its challenges in Iranian legal system [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 169-192]
Regulatory State
Epidemic and the Regulatory State [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 461-478]
Reparation of Aerial accidents under International Law with Emphasize On 752 Ukrainian Flight [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 369-393]
Representation of government
Organizing a notary public company in the light of the notary public representation (Using the data of comparative law) [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 329-352]
Repudiation to E-Check in light of the amendments to the Check Code in 2018 [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 11-34]
Reflection on the government's civil liability for damages caused by the corona virus In Iranian and French law [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 137-162]
Restorative Justice
Aspects of the criminal justice model in response to juvenile delinquency [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 111-128]
Right of Control
The “Right of Control” under “Rotterdam Rules”;
A Comparative Study with other Conventions on Carriage of Goods and Domestic Laws [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 41-66]
Right of Defense
The Role of Supreme Court in Unification and Progress of Law concerning the Attorney at Law [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 67-94]
Right of Defense of Parties"
Challenges of Executive Support for Settlement Agreements Reflected in Arbitration Award with a Comparative Study in the New York Convention 1958 [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 321-345]
Right of disposition of cargo
The “Right of Control” under “Rotterdam Rules”;
A Comparative Study with other Conventions on Carriage of Goods and Domestic Laws [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 41-66]
Right of Lien
Suspension of the Contract in Case of Temporary Impossibility of Performance of the Obligation [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 95-118]
Neighbor Rights & Apartment Animals’ rights: A legal jurisprudetial analysis [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 195-214]
Right to Contract Voidance
Inducement of Circumstances’ Disclosure and Concluding the Marine Insurance Contract [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 119-142]
Right to have a lawyer
Accused's access to a lawyer in the courtroom stage in the legal system of Iran and France [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 95-117]
Right to news
New horizons of intellectual property rights in the perspective of Directive (EU) 2019/790 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 267-294]
Risk reduction
Increase the efficiency of letters of credit with private blockchain technology and smart contracts and comparative assessment of compliance with the rules [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 445-478]
Origins, Causes and Typology of Disputes in Petroleum Contracts [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 341-367]
Rotterdam Convention
The “Right of Control” under “Rotterdam Rules”;
A Comparative Study with other Conventions on Carriage of Goods and Domestic Laws [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 41-66]
Rule of Formal validity of Marriage
A study of formal conditions of International marriage in Iran, Pakistan and United kingdom law [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 265-290]
Ruling power
The Difference between the Basics in Governmental Criminology and Criminological Governance [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 215-240]
Sanctity of life
Legal aspects of Termination or Continuation of Treatment of Vegetative State [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 317-339]
Reparation of Aerial accidents under International Law with Emphasize On 752 Ukrainian Flight [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 369-393]
Factors influencing the decision of officials, public officials and judges from a legal perspective [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 245-266]
Secular Legal System
Theory of Insidad in the Shiite Epistemological Thought;
An Introduction to Secularization of the Religious Legal System [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 11-38]
Repudiation to E-Check in light of the amendments to the Check Code in 2018 [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 11-34]
Application of Securities in Project Finace [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 239-264]
Security Council
Review veto procedures in the UN Security Council [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 11-40]
Protection of Informational Self-determination in the Constitutional System of The Federal Republic of Germany with regard to the European Union Procedure [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 393-418]
correctional sentencing based on the education of convicts [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 385-410]
Smart contract
Increase the efficiency of letters of credit with private blockchain technology and smart contracts and comparative assessment of compliance with the rules [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 445-478]
Smart contract
Analysis of general conditions of smart contracts validity from Iranian and American legal perspective [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 303-335]
Smart Court
Smart Courts: a study of necessity and Challenges [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 153-179]
Smart Legal Services
Smart Courts: a study of necessity and Challenges [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 153-179]
Social and Cultural Rights
Biotechnology in the Perspective of the Right to Health in the Light of International Instruments and Domestic Laws: Challenges and Solutions [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 241-264]
Social security
The Effects of Covid-19 Disease on Social Security Funds (Comparative Study) [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 683-710]
Soft Law
International Law Reaction to the Dark Web: Why and How [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 87-112]
An Introduction to the Implications and Legal Challenges of Metaverse [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 363-392]
State of Emergency
Constitutional Law Requirements for Dealing with Emergency Situations with emphasis on Covid 19 [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 767-793]
State of Emergency
An Analytical Exploration of the Legal Dimensions Governing the Financial Measures of the Government (Sovereignty) in Times of Crisis with Emphasis on the Covid-19 Pandemic [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 93-118]
Critical Considerations on the Identical Constitutive Elements of International Responsibility of States and International Organizations [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 69-94]
Factors influencing the decision of officials, public officials and judges from a legal perspective [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 245-266]
Application of Securities in Project Finace [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 239-264]
Supreme National Security Council
Constitutional Law Requirements for Dealing with Emergency Situations with emphasis on Covid 19 [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 767-793]
Suspension of Contract
Suspension of the Contract in Case of Temporary Impossibility of Performance of the Obligation [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 95-118]
Tax Law
The Role of Supreme Court in Unification and Progress of Law concerning the Attorney at Law [Volume 25, attorney standards, 2022, Pages 67-94]
Social prevention of terrorist crimes [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 67-94]
The judiciary
Delibretion on the strengths and weaknesses of filing lawsuits through judicial electronic service offices and analyzing the obligation of individuals to file lawsuits through the mentioned offices [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 35-62]
The law of place of Celebration
A study of formal conditions of International marriage in Iran, Pakistan and United kingdom law [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 265-290]
The model with barrier
The pre trial investigation model of without barrier in Iran, comparison with the judicial supercision of pre trial chamber of ICC [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 411-434]
The model without barrier
The pre trial investigation model of without barrier in Iran, comparison with the judicial supercision of pre trial chamber of ICC [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 411-434]
The person
The civil liability of harmful person in infection of corona virus [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 587-618]
The Principle of Correlation
Delibretion on the strengths and weaknesses of filing lawsuits through judicial electronic service offices and analyzing the obligation of individuals to file lawsuits through the mentioned offices [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 35-62]
The Principle of Prohibition of Restrictions
Delibretion on the strengths and weaknesses of filing lawsuits through judicial electronic service offices and analyzing the obligation of individuals to file lawsuits through the mentioned offices [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 35-62]
Third-Party Funder
The Challenges of Third-Party Litigation Funding for Funded Party, Third-Party Funder and Opposing Side in the Case [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 171-196]
Transmission of muscular disease
The civil liability of harmful person in infection of corona virus [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 587-618]
Transmission of Virus
Criminal liability for the transmission of Covid 19 virus in the Iranian legal system [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 11-30]
Transnational Armed Groups
Considering applicability of International Humanitarian Law to Transnational Armed Groups [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 183-207]
Underground warfare
Assessing of construction and use of underground warfare with the legal principles of armed conflict [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 37-57]
Unilateral Commitment
Indefinite Iqa' and Unilateral Commitment
(Challenge, Study, Conclusion) [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 11-33]
United Nations
Review veto procedures in the UN Security Council [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 11-40]
Unitization Agreement
Unitization and Determination of Tract Participation in Unit Operating Agreements [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 155-178]
Unit Operating Agreement
Unitization and Determination of Tract Participation in Unit Operating Agreements [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 155-178]
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Regulating Civil Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in the Framework of International law;
In the Circulation Between National and International Jurisdiction [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 335-362]
Unpredictable Matters
Consequences of Covid 19 on Administrative Contracts [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 557-585]
The Legal Regime of Cloud Computing Contracts [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 219-244]
Vegetative State
Legal aspects of Termination or Continuation of Treatment of Vegetative State [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 317-339]
Review veto procedures in the UN Security Council [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 11-40]
Examining the effect of punishment on Financial victims in the context of restorative justice [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 147-182]
Reflection on the government's civil liability for damages caused by the corona virus In Iranian and French law [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 137-162]
Virtual Currency
Understanding Cryptocurrency and the Challenges Facing Legal Systems [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 113-142]
Virtual Reality. Avatar
An Introduction to the Implications and Legal Challenges of Metaverse [Volume 25, Special Issueof Law &Technology, 2022, Pages 363-392]
Indefinite Iqa' and Unilateral Commitment
(Challenge, Study, Conclusion) [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 11-33]
War on Terrorism
Considering applicability of International Humanitarian Law to Transnational Armed Groups [Volume 25, Issue 99, 2022, Pages 183-207]
Assessing of construction and use of underground warfare with the legal principles of armed conflict [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 37-57]
Wisdom Age
Amendment of the Judiciary through Revision of Laws and Regulations [Volume 25, Issue 97, 2022, Pages 369-394]
World Health Organization
COVID-19 and the International obligations of states concerning
Control of the pandemic diseases [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 619-647]
World Health Organization
International Criminal Law and Epidemic Viruses: A Case Study of Covid-19 [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 441-459]
World Health Organization
A Consideration of International Health Organization Regulations (2005) emphasizing on the Outbreak of Coronavirus Pandemic [Volume 25, Law & covid-19 vol.2, 2022, Pages 119-136]
World Trade Organization &emsp
Commercial Reparation Approaches in WTO Documents and Practice with emphasis on Safeguard and Anti-Dumping Measures [Volume 25, Issue 98, 2022, Pages 397-419]
Written document
Historical developments of the modern concept of the Constitution [Volume 25, Issue 100, 2022, Pages 297-328]
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