Environmental democracy in the proceedings of the European Court of Human Rights(Emphasis on the concept of Environmental human rights )

Document Type : Original Article


استادیارگروه حقوق عمومی پردیس فارابی دانشگاه تهران



The right to a healthy environment has been recognized as a right in the third generation of human rights and is one of the progressive rights that seeks to preserve the environment for present and future generations. The right to a healthy environment is the subject of several international instruments and treaties and therefore carries with it the obligations of governments to protect it. However, all human rights are effective when they are respected in the judiciary. Accordingly, this study seeks to examine the judicial protection of the right to a healthy environment in the proceedings of the European Court of Justice through a descriptive-analytical method. Based on the findings of this study, the European Court of Human Rights, as a regional court based on the founding document, the European Convention on Human Rights, considers itself obliged to investigate and rule on cases of human rights violations. On the other hand, the concept of environmental democracy has been recognized in the proceedings of the court, and this court has paid attention to this concept in several opinions. Although the right to a healthy environment is not explicitly mentioned in the text of the European treaty, the European Court of Justice shows that the court upholds the right to a healthy environment through other materials, such as a dynamic interpretation of the treaty. This article seeks to review the case law of the European Court of Human Rights in protecting the right to a healthy environment.


Main Subjects

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