Competence of Dispute Resolution Councils about handling Claims for Damage Caused by Crime

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. student of private law, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Private Law, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran



The Dispute Resolution Councils are judicial references that are made for reconciliation between the parties. But in some cases this reference will issue a warrant that these cases are rises in new act of the Dispute Resolution Councils. However Dispute Resolution Councils don’t have much competence about criminal subjects, but Damage Caused by Crime is a civil subject that just its source is arisen from crime. In fact, this claims are civil and are in competence of civil courts. According to Dispute Resolution Councils act, in reconciliation matter, since this councils have competence in all criminal and civil claims, so Claims for Damage Caused by Crime are located in this subset and councils can reconcile all of claims for damage caused by crime. But about execution of a warrant for compensation caused by crime must refer to general rules of Dispute Resolution Councils, with concept that issuing a warrant needs adherence to specific procedures that should be considered according to the new act.


Main Subjects

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