Equitable Devices in Practice of the Iran – United States Claims Tribunal (IUSCT)

Document Type : Original Article


1 دانشیار دانشگاه علوم قضایی و خدمات اداری

2 Assistant Professor, The Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Mazandaran University

3 Expert Mazandaran Technical & Vocational Training Administration



The Iran-United States claims Tribunal as an international ad hoc arbitration institution has attempted to resort to the equitable devices for applying justice and equity in its awards. The devices via which be able to issue an award for the claims that no contractual basis exist and also for the real ownership claims. The devices that cause to increase the motivation of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal for pursuing the principles and rules of international law and the enforcement of the issued awards.This article is intended to develop and extend the practice and function of the Court in applying the equitable devices such as the principle of unjust enrichment ,principle of quantum meruit and beneficial ownership among the devices applied by the Court and will review whether the Court basically has been enjoyed the power and authority to accept such devices in its issued awards.
Key words:
Equity – Equitable Devices – Unjust Enrichment - Quantum Meruit –
Beneficial Ownership


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