Analysis of Corona pandemic Effects on the Implementation of International Labour Standards: Challenges or Opportunities and Possible Strategies

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of labour

2 Associate professor of International Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.



The emergence of the Corona pandemic )covid-19( in early 2020 has made the need for the development of humanitarian strategies in Crisis more obvious. The international labour system at this time is facing a more serious challenge of decent and future work. In the current situation, standards such as employment, health and safety and workers support, especially for a special group of migrants, women, children and other vulnerable groups, have become very important. crisis resilience, on the other hand requires recognizing and implementing opportunities to meet global standards and on the other hand, has made it necessary to close gaps and challenges in their implementation. This paper uses a descriptive-analytical approach to analyze the effects on the corona crisis on the global standards in the field of Labour and Employment and concludes that Corona pandemic is an emerging example of the crisis and future challenges of work that, because it has transformed employment in on unpredictable way, forces the word system to adopt a policy. approaches such as plotting future jobs, standardizing and reviewing global labour norms, including work arrangement (Telework), and supporting workers and workplaces will be a key resilience strategy in the current crisis.


Main Subjects

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