Negative consequences of lack of legal personality in the economic benefit group

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Law, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Ayatollah Amoli Azad University, Amol, Iran

2 university of mazandaran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Private Law, Ayatollah Amoli Branch, Islamic Azad University, Amol, Iran.



The purpose of this study is to investigate the consequences of the lack of legal personality in the economic interest group. The economic development of the country depends on the investment, use of technical knowledge and technology of developed countries in the production system and access to global markets. Achieving this is through various legal ways of participating in economic and commercial activities with legislative role. In Iranian law, in Article 107 of the Fifth Economic Development Plan Law, the economic group with common interests was introduced as a new format. This group is a legal establishment formed freely between natural persons on the basis of joint and several liabilities, individuals who have come together to use appropriate means to advance their own independent activities; However, its legal personality was not recognized by law. The status of the economic interest group raises the question of what are the consequences of the lack of legal personality of this group and what is its position? Findings show that the non-acceptance of legal personality in the economic benefit group, various negative consequences can be expressed, including the discussion of ownership of achievements, property and material and spiritual assets, hesitation in survival, distrust of third parties and problems He filed a lawsuit for and against the economic group.


Main Subjects

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