Comparative Study of Evolution of Top Management System of Judiciary to Council System

Document Type : Original Article




Designing Suitable state structures for applying Power of sovereignty in form of political powers and state institutions is a requisite for observing the Rule of Law and Good Governance. Theorizing about state structures in executive power has long history. For the last few decades, management structure of judiciary has not been paid attention by scholar and legislators.
Creation independent, efficient and responsible judiciary has been studied by theorists of public law and public administration and founder legislator in different countries. Predominant model in this issue is executive model. Based on that model, Ministry of justice has duty of managing judicial power in administrative and financial affairs and hence is responsible in front of relevant political institutions and authorities such as parliament and council of ministers. But from a few decades ago, independent institutions are forming in judiciary. That institutions have received some of competences of the Ministry of Justice step by step. That institutions are known as “(Supreme) Judicial Council”. The findings of this research indicate that the evolution of the Judicial Management System in Iran during the constitutional amendments in 1989 was in the opposite direction of global developments.
In this essay by collecting resources in a library way and with descriptive analysis method, we study evolution of management system of judiciary to council system through explaining the development of creation, structures, competences and analyzing function of judicial councils in different legal systems.


Main Subjects

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