government regulation in controlling traffic accidents in regards with responsive regulation theory

Document Type : Original Article


1  Ph.D. Student, Department Of public law, science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2  PROFSSOR, Department Of public law, Faculty Law, University of SHAHID BEHSHTI, Tehran, Iran

3  PROFSSOR, Department Of public law, Faculty Law, University of ALLAMEH TABATABAII. Tehran, Iran



Undoubtedly, prevention of traffic accidents is of the most critical problems in our country. Although Government and governance efforts have helped to reduce the number of casualties and traffic accidents so far, the combination of these efforts in this field have not achieved a significant success yet. Hence, what is the role of government and governance in resolving such crisis? Is government the only actor of traffic regulation and safety? And in this way, is the law enforcement and employing authority accounted for the only means of regulating safe traffic? In fact, a part of the knot of this crisis could be untied through the answer to these questions. Taking advantage of the concepts of responsive regulation theory, not only will be expanded the arena for the simultaneous presence of government, public institutions and the market, but also regulatory tools will be equipped with economic and social tools in addition to authority and coercion. Indisputably, laying the groundwork for the presence of multiple actors beside putting into service the various tools will be a more comprehensive response to the crisis of traffic violations and accidents.


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