Historical developments of the modern concept of the Constitution

Document Type : Original Article


bu ali sina university



The Constitution, as one of the important concepts of legal knowledge, has two major historical periods. From ancient Greece and Rome to the late eighteen century can be called the traditional concept of the constitution and From the French and American revolutions onward, the modern era is constitutional. Since the concepts are not static and are changing, the modern meaning of the constitution has undergone many changes to date. This article seeks to answer the question of what steps the constitution has taken in modern era. Using descriptive-analytical method, this research tries to examine these important developments from the perspective of political and historical developments. The purpose of this article is to show the importance of historical and political developments in understanding the constitution and its conceptual developments. In this article, constitutional changes in the modern era are divided into six periods of the French-American Revolution, from the victory of these two revolutions to 1848, from 1848 to 1871, from 1871 to World War I, the interval between World Wars II and developments after World War II and An attempt has been made to show how these developments have changed the meaning of the constitution.


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