Causation of terrorist acts on the base of criminological theories

Document Type : Original Article


Member of the scientific board- research and science University


Nowadays the terrorist acts as global acts have spread as to involve all the world. Terrorist acts in September 11 2001 was a start point to vilolent reactions in the world and was the beginning of intense encounter and resulted in passing the strict statutes in countries which changed the boarders of criminal law but could not prevent these kind of actions. Emerging ISIS, as the modern version of violence and bestiality, may be a good reason to prove this idea. This fact indicates that the suppression would not be a reliable way to combat the terrorism and the soft view of criminology can be used as parallel to empower the hope for combating terrorism. This survey has been done analytically and has had a look to some of the theories of criminology and finally has achieved to this conclusion that by providing the uniformity and avoiding alienation, the bases of dialogue and civil protest could be established and the violence would be replaced by civil protest.


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