Reading competitive policies in global energy markets with the approach of controlling anti-competitive practices

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Law, Faculty of Management, Shahroud University of Technology, Shahroud, Iran


Energy plays an important role in world trade and economy, and compliance with the rules of competition in its markets is essential.The existence of anti-competitive behaviors and situations in global energy markets, for whatever reason, must be recognized. What is important is the adoption of appropriate competition policies in order to neutralize this phenomenon and promote competition. The diversity of energy activities and anti-competitive behaviors have led to the development of various competitive policies at the national and international levels to directly or indirectly counter anti-competitive practices, in order to facilitate competition and its realization, by countries and the international community. . Of course, international energy competition law is not limited to legal measures, but also benefits from legal, competitive, economic and managerial policies, as is the dignity of the energy economy, both domestically and internationally. This article gives you a brief overview on competitive policies. Accordingly, competitive energy policies at the national, transnational and international levels are examined.


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