Comparison of the role of testimony and legal formalities in the process of divorce

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Department of law, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.


In Imami jurisprudence, the composition of the form of divorce in the presence of two just witnesses are considered a condition for its conclusion. On the other hand, obtaining a certificate of impossibility of settling and registering a divorce and remarriage is a legal obligation and the offender is subject to punishment. The present article answers these questions: Is testimony relevant in concluding a divorce or can it be replaced by its legal formalities? What about the referral? What is the result of non-observance of the mentioned legal formalities? In response, by using the descriptive-analytical method, while comparing the role of testimony and legal formalities in the structure of divorce and recourse to it, by studying the jurisprudential principles of the issue and observing the purposes of Sharia and the goals of the legislator, to present a new and documented picture of correct divorce. And redraws the role of testimony in divorce and recourse؛ Documented with arguments such as the instruction of the matter to be testimoned, its non-subjectivity, the non-devotional nature of divorce, the conversion of the issue into a matter and therefore, after all three clauses (Talaqohn, Amskoohn, Farquhn), But in view of the reasons for the necessity of caution in Foruj and Araj, we give up the generality of the holy verse and we believe that the necessity of the mentioned precaution is not to be strict in concluding or returning to the marriage and fulfilling the recourse, with the least formalities, unlike divorce.


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