Counterfeit in Medical Products under the Situation of Coronavirus Pandemic and the Necessity for the Realization of Hard Law at International Level

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Department of Law, Faculty of Social Sciences, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran



Counterfeit in medical products including drugs and medical equipment
threatens the people’s health and public health and justifies combatting it,
but effective and comprehensive combat with this phenomenon before
anything needs a binding international instrument that despite some efforts,
its codification has failed. By adopting some relevant strategies, the Council
of Europe Convention on the counterfeiting of medical products and similar
crimes involving threats to public health has facilitated combatting this
phenomenon at the European level. However, the mentioned European
instrument is not free of fault, and now, considering the public health
protection given the Covid-19 pandemic and the continuity, diversity, and
the predictable increase in counterfeit medical products, drafting a binding
international instrument and enforcement of hard laws in this regard under
the direction of WHO along with public participation of all beneficiaries, can
organize the global combat with this phenomenon properly. The competent
players in Iran can help in the establishment of the related hard laws at a
global level by pursuing this subject at the international arenas.


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