Analysis of the outbreak of Covid-19 disease from the perspective of environmental law

Document Type : Original Article


University of Qom



The outbreak of Covid-19 disease in relation to environmental law can be
analyzed from different dimensions. Theoretically, it shows the deep roots of
the philosophical, moral and legal crisis of man in the face of nature. In
practice, the role of environmental law in preventing the spread of "humananimal"
diseases is recalled. Environmental effects, showed two positive and
negative differences in the natural and human environment. On the positive
side, the outbreak of this disease has temporarily improved the quality of the
urban environment (air pollution, noise, fuel consumption) and, in
proportion to some animals, has led to the prohibition of trade and sale and
consumption of wild animal meat. On the other hand, the negative effects of
this disease have affected issues such as the accumulation of medical waste,
wasteful consumption of water and the suspension of environmental
regulations against companies. In this article, some of the above
environmental dimensions have been tried to be analyzed and evaluated
from the perspective of environmental law. The key question is, given the
environmental effects and contexts of the outbreak of the disease, what
changes the environmental law system needs and what preventive legal
response is necessary. The basic premise of this article is based on the need
for human beings in the philosophical-legal field to review their relationship
with nature and animals, and in practice, with the outbreak of this disease, it
is necessary to take some legal measures.


Main Subjects

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