Corona effects on business performance and providing a technological model to meet its challenges

Document Type : Original Article


1 tehran university Assistant Professor

2 PhD Student in Private Law In University of Judicial Sciences and Administrative Services



The spread of the Coronavirus has created many problems for businesses
and startups. The spread of the virus has led to a sharp decline in demand for
goods and services from businesses and has created many financial problems
for these institutions. Challenges for businesses in the distribution and
supply chains and the imposition of personnel costs, government, etc.
Besides, increasing the willingness of society to buy their items from
electronic environments leads to the growth of businesses' tendency to sell
and supply products. In the electonic environments. But despite preventing
the spread of the virus, the new mechanism still faces challenges from
financing businesses and supply chain problems, as well as new challenges
such as transparency and security of exchanges. The solution presented in
this field is to provide fintech loans by credit companies and do business in
decentralized platforms. Of course, implementing the stated solution will
require some legislative and executive policies.


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