Effects of Covid epidemic on family regulations

Document Type : Original Article


deptement of law, faculty of social nd economic science, alzahra university. Tehran. iran



The prevalence of Covid-19 has affected all social and individual
activities. It is obvious that the consequences of this pandemic have also
spread to the family as a social and legal institution. Especially with the
prolongation of the disease, in addition to economic effects, its legal effects
can also be observed. Restrictions on preventing the spread of the disease
can affect the rights and responsibilities of the family members. In these
circumstances, it is necessary to identify the legal foundations that lead to
changes in these rights and obligations. It seems that principles such as
harmlessness (LaZarar), urgency (Ezterar) difficulty and embarrassment and
avoiding possible harm can help the Iranian legal system to find a suitable
basis for adopting legal solutions in the family. After that, one can comment
on each of the couple's or parents' responsibilities. Issues such as marital
duties of the couple, meeting with the child, cohabitation of the couple, etc.
in the event of the pandemics of a contagious disease, may be governed by
different rules which can be clarified by using legal principles.


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