The influence of socialist ideas on the formulation and writing of the economic Articles of the constitution of Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Public and International Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran

2 Allameh Tabatabaei university, Tehran, Iran



A review of research conducted in the field of the history of drafting the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran shows that jurisprudential and Islamic ideas and readings have been considered by scholars more than other effective angles in formulating the Articles of the constitution. It is obvious that achieving a correct and comprehensive understanding of the various aspects of the constitution requires a careful and meticulous study of all political, social and intellectual currents that are effective in its formulation. The leftist and the supporters of socialism were one of the most organized and popular currents in the first days of the 1979 revolution due to its strong social support, it had a profound effect on the events of the early years of the revolution, especially on Writing style of the economic Articles of the constitution. Among the many leftist and pro-socialist parties and groups that emerged after the fall of the monarchy, the tudeh party, the Union of Workers, Peasants and toilers and the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran have played a very important role In this context. Review of notes, letters, statements and reports published in the publications of the press organizations of the three mentioned currents Shows that the content and style of writing the economic Articles of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran is greatly influenced by their orientations and thoughts.


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