Reducing the criminal population through transitional jobs and subsidized employment

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Isfahan (khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University

2 Assistant Professor in Criminal Law and Criminology , Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan, Isfahan, Iran

3 Associate Professor of Crime and Criminology Group, Department of Humanities and Law, Islamic Azad University Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Isfahan, Iran



The employment of prisoners is usually limited to the time of imprisonment, temporarily with the aim of reducing the cost of maintaining prisoners, but what is important is the continuity and stability of the prisoner's job after the days of detention, so that he has a suitable business to support himself and his family. . Managing the employment of prisoners during their imprisonment, examining and introducing transitional and subsidized jobs is a necessary solution to achieve this goal, so research on the efficiency of existing tricks in this field is one of the requirements of working with prisoners and the definite recommendation of criminologists to prevent recidivism and to The consequence is the improvement of the economic status of the society. Transitional and computer jobs are tested measures in this direction in some societies, and the result of the author's research, while introducing this category of jobs and generalizing it with managing and coaching the career path of prisoners from before entering the prison to expanding the perspective of the authorities in this regard will take


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