The Protection Strategies for Children in Digital Environment; A Comparative Study

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor. Kharazmi University

2 Assistant Professor Criminal Law. Faculty of Law and Political Sciences Kharazmi University



The digital environment whether alongside or continues of real life, although does not designed for children, plays an important role in their lives, and a considerable rate of its users are children. Nowadays, the environment has changed to a base for their social and growing activities. Thus we need safe use, families’ empowerment, protection, prevention instruments, dealing with risks, and changing to digital citizens more than before. This issue is reflected in domestic, regional, and international instruments as well. Considering general protection strategies for children in the digital environment and suggesting special strategies for criminal and non-criminal harms and risks prevention are the goals of the paper that can be achieved in three levels of surveying the recent situations, desirable situations, and the comparative solutions which link these two. Findings show that socio-protection and affairs, setting up hotlines, including the cooperation of other influencers and decision-makers, and designing sufficient infrastructures are the main international protection strategies for children.


Main Subjects

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