Legal Aspects of Sex Selection Technology: Legislative Horizons (Approach Toward Domestic Laws and International Rules)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Rushdie Institute of Higher Education, Tabriz, Iran

2 . L.L.M, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran



Today, one of the important challenges facing legal issues is how to enact laws in order to systematize new technologies. The technology of sex selection, as a phenomenon that can have wide legal dimensions, has faced the challenge of the lack of specific and binding laws in Iran. Although the technology of sex selection is one of the study topics in the field of medical law, it has different dimensions and effects that can be discussed from a social, political, cultural and even economic point of view. The issue is that in the framework of the legislation of this technology, different dimensions such as the limits of legitimacy, applicable restrictions, human rights rules, contractual governing system, population policies should be taken into consideration and according to the social and cultural realities of Iran, precise solutions should be taken in order to normalize it. To be presented. This article seeks to explain these issues with the help of analytical-comparative method by studying the laws of other countries and international rules, and by analyzing the current legal system of Iran in the field of this technology, it aims to present the general outline of the legislation regarding the sex selection.


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