Studying thenecessity of reviewing international law in the new world order

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student, Department of International Law, kish Branch, Islamic Azad University

2 Assistant Professor and faculty member of the department of law and political science, University of Tehran, Iran



International law practiced presently derives from numerous historical events that have contributed to the structural formation of this field of study. These historical occurrences are naturally diverse each of which has played an active role in the formation of international law, inter alia, the expansion of the power of Western States during 19th Century BC. The triumphs and victories that westerners obtained in this epoch affected the balance of power in favor of them and created a new world order. Commentators believe that the creation of a new world order strengthened the position of Western powers and led to Eurocentrism of international law. Even though the emergence of Eurocentrism developed the internationality of international law, yet it was not paralleled with its universality. To apprehend Eurocentrism in international law its universality in respect of cultural, regional and religious differences should be assessed. The one-sided view of international law resulted from Eurocentrism has negatively impacted the functionality of international organizations and institutions. Therefore, the assessment of further areas such as NIEO (New International Economic Order) will be examined. The main argument of this note is based on the fact that, as the world order in 19th Century followed leading western powers and represented a Eurocentric international law, the world today should acknowledge the new multipolar world order and make international law consistent with it.


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 03 March 2024
  • Receive Date: 21 February 2024
  • Revise Date: 23 July 2024
  • Accept Date: 03 March 2024