Criminological analysis of cases of sexual deviant disorders referred to specialized psychological clinics in Tehran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Islamic Azad university south Tehran branch

2 Member of the academic staff, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran branch

3 Faculty member legal medicine research center, legal medicine organization, Tehran, Iran


The majority of sexual deviant disorders have a victim and lead to harm and disturbance in the private places or public and social environment, some of which are more deviant, according to the severity of sexual deviance in a person, can lead to the occurrence of various crimes or victimization. . In this study, the criminological analysis of 39 interviewees with sexual deviant disorders among the eight cases, the majority of them were men and unmarried and only 4 were women. According to the type of referral of each of them to psychological clinics in Tehran, with the research method Qualitative and semi-structured interview with the approach of phenomenological analysis studied the lived experience of the interviewees and the data was coded using Claesian method.based on the results, the weakness of the educational component of the parents and their inappropriate family environment during their growing years played a significant role in creating sexual deviations in them. Among the many criminological components, inappropriate labels and unhealthy differential preferential associations, the reinforcers of deviant behavior according to the theory of differential reinforcement in criminology have played a much more important role in the initiation and stability of deviance in them, which are in addition to the problems Multiple psychological factors in sexual deviants and important life events during their developmental stages were effective in creating sexual deviant disorders in them according to the concepts of developmental criminology theories. Growth-oriented prevention strategies such as education-oriented and individual-oriented programs may prevent sexual deviations.


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 29 July 2024
  • Receive Date: 15 March 2024
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  • Accept Date: 29 July 2024