The distinction between extermination as an example of crimes against humanity and genocide in the light of the Statute of the International Criminal court

Document Type : Original Article


1 استاد دانشگاه علامه

2 ph.D candidateof law Allameh Tabatabai University


The two concepts of extermination and genocide are very important and fundamental concepts in international criminal law. Due to the conceptual and semantic affinities, sometimes in studies and studies, differences and differences in their differences are negligible or neglected, while carefully We will find in the Statute of the Court that there are differences between the extermination as an example of a crime against humanity with genocide, both of which are referred to in the Statute of the Court.
Genocide is a deliberate crime, and in order to realize it, in addition to deliberately pursuing one of the prohibited acts set forth in Article 6 of the Constitution, it is necessary to eliminate all or part of a religious, racial, ethnic or national group. There is no need for such an incentive. In the extermination, the perpetrator eliminates the population as a mere human being while eradicating the group's genocide for belonging to a religion, race, ethnicity, or nationality. . It is also necessary in the extermination to commit the acts as part of an organized or extensive attack, or as part of a general or organized plan, to destroy the g Row, while genocide does not require that the acts committed as part of a systematic or extensive attack, or as part of a general or organized plan, have been committed to eliminate the group.


فهرست منابع
الف) منابع فارسی
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