Analysis of Undesirable discrimination with emphasis on the judicial precedent of General Assembly of Administrative Justice Court

Document Type : Original Article


ng>Prohibition of undesirable discrimination is well recognized and guaranteed in international documents and international and regional judicial precedents and, finally, in the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Constitution. To investigate and analyze this, we first need to understand the concepts of “undesirable discrimination” and also “equality” and their criteria for identification. In addition, the other important question is how this concept is guaranteed by the judicial precedents of the General Assembly of Administrative Justice Court as one of its main practical fields of application. Also, what are the criteria for identification of “undesirable discrimination”?  Through an analysis of judicial precedent, it seems that the General Assembly of Administrative Justice Court does not have a solid judicial precedent for identifying “undesirable discrimination” and, sometimes, we observe contradictory judgments in this matter. Also, the criteria for identifying this discrimination are both unclear and scattered and this Assembly has used various and sometimes totally different criteria in different judgments. In addition to all these factors, the Court did not distinguish between the identification of “undesirable discrimination” and its implementation and this has led to the interpretation of the Court of such “undesirable discrimination” being fully objective and not getting into details. Finally, in most of the cases the Court has obtained “undesirable discrimination” in terms of a legal corpus where this approach has become an obstacle for a dynamic interpretation of this concept and applying new criteria in this regard. Keywords: Discrimination, Undesirable discrimination, Positive discrimination, Equality, General Assembly of Administrative Justice Court, Judicial precedent