
هیدروکربوری فراهم مینماید؟ از سوی دیگر آیا نظام قراردادی تک الگویی بهتر م یتواندنیازها و چال شهای صنعت پیچید های همانند نفت و گاز را پوشش دهد ی ا آنک ه تعاملقراردادی باید بر مبنای اتخاذ سیاست قراردادی چند الگویی نهادینه گردد؟ در این نوشتارتلاش شده تا ضمن ارزیابی و نقد قانون جدید، ظرفی تهای قانونی ممکن برای طراح ییک نظام قراردادی جدید مورد تحلیل و موشکافی واقع گردد Fashioning New Contractual Models for Development ofHydrocarbon Fields in Iran: Exploration and Critique ofNew Petroleum Ministry Act AbstractThe legal and contractual framework governing upstream sector of theIranian oil industry and, subsequently, absorption of foreign investment inthis sector have faced several vicissitudes in that different laws andregulations have been enacted to monitor the aforesaid sector. Although theprocess of attracting foreign investment in the oil and gas industry wasstrictly forbidden under Article 6 of the 1366 Petroleum Act, this approachwas gradually amended within the framework of annual Budget Acts andFive-year Plans for Economic, Social and Cultural Development due toeconomic and technical considerations and, accordingly, the buy-backcontractual method has dominated oil industry in Iran as the only authorizedmethod. It should be noted that the shortcomings and drawbacks that haveemerged with this new contractual framework, on the one hand, andchanging circumstances, on the other, have caused Iranian legislators to takea new step for the development and evolution of the contractual regimegoverning exploration and development of hydrocarbon fields and to issueexplicitly permission for fashioning new contractual models under Article3(b)(3) of the Petroleum Ministry (Duties and Powers) Act of 1391. Thequestionmay be posed, therefore, as to whether such a provision shall pavethe way for the evolution of the contractual regime governing explorationand development of hydrocarbon fields? In order to meet the needs andchallenges of a complex industry like oil and gas, is it better to concentrateon a contractual system with only one model or to create a multidimensionalcontractual system? Having evaluated and criticized the newPetroleum Ministry Act, this paper attempts to analyze the possible legalpotentialities arising out of this Act for designing a novel contractual regime.KeywordsPetroleum Ministry (Duties and Powers) Act, Foreign investment,Production sharing agreement, Joint ventures, Revenue (profit)sharingagreement

فهرست منابع
الف) فارسی
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