
When economicallyanalyzing copyright, before anything else we need tomake effort to consider the nature of the rights an author obtains over his orher work. In this way, two presumptions are generally accepted in the legalliterature: First, economic rights shall be distinguished from moral rightsand,second, economic rights shall be treated as a form of property right.Injustifying the property right, different justifications, such those based onlabour and utilitarian theories, have been offered. This study shows that themain reason for opposing these theories is the nature and scope of propertyrights. Nonetheless, it is suggested that a labour-based right theory is moresuitable for our society. To justify moral rights, two theories includingpersonality-based and utilitarian theories have been suggested. In this paper,it is shown that the former theory seems to be more justifiable. This isbecause, based on utilitarian view, moral rights shall be vulnerable todifferent political and economic expediencies.Key wordsEconomic analysis, Copyright, Property right, Economic rights, Moralrights.

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