Comparative Review and Analysis of the Notion of CyberAttack in the Light of Doctrine, States Practice andInternational Organizations within International Law


With the growth of technology in the field of information andcommunication, some different types of threats have appeared of whichcyber attacks are the most prominent instances in cyberspace. The negativeconsequences of such attacks are so vast and dangerous that internationalactors are attempting to take appropriate measures in this era. The mostimportant challenge is the definition of ‘cyber attack’ and, also, describingits different aspects which is differentiated between the official position ofStates and also among international organizations. Up until now, noconsensus has been achieved on the definition of cyber attack. With itscomparative approach, this survey tries to provide and analyze the currentdefinitions of cyber attack. Finally, this papertakes the position that a lack ofconsensus in this regard should be considered as a major challenge toInternational Law.KeywordsCyber attack, Cyber security, Statepractice, International organizations,Information operations 

الف) فارسی
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