Discrimination in the ground of legislation(in appointment of the age of majority and in)(Relationship with the situation of birth 


One of the basic principles of human rights is nondiscrimination in the implementation of human rights for all.It should pay attention to this matter in the process of legislation and the implementation.Discrimination on the base of gender and situation is seen in some law in the process of the legislation.In the legal system of Islamic republic of Iran, there are some cases which may be told the law is discriminatory on the base of gender and birth.One of them is appointment of the age of majority at nine ages for girls and fifteen ages for boys.Consequently the girls about six years before the boys are responsible and may be punished for the offences they committed.Another case is some social privations like judgment, to witness in the courts and privation of heritage on the base of the situation of birth. Whereas all of these cases. Are facing to the challenge of human rights criteria and are not compatible with Islamic jurisprudence (FEGH).This article discusses about these matters and presents some new ideas.Key words:Discriminatory laws. Age of majority. Lawful responsibility. Base of birth judgment. Witness. heritage

ن بلوغ و ...)
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مجازات اسلامی
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حوال شخصیه ک
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12 . قانون م
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