The Constitution of any country is its most important legal document.

Document Type : Original Article


The Constitution of any country is its most important legal document. Afterthe Islamic Revolution and the overthrow of the dictatorial regime in Iranand following the establishment of a modern and popular system, the IslamicRepublic was established which required a strategic and binding document,namely the Constitution. For the codification of this document, people andparties have decided to participate in the approval of a fundamentaldocument. From the earliest development of Constitution until approval ofthe Assembly of Experts and its validation by Referendum, this article showswhich contributions by individuals, political parties and groups had beeninfluential. The final impact was felt in the Review step and the current textof the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran resulted from thosedebates and decisions. During that decade, the extent of certain groups hadbecome less while that of special groups had become greater. In the processof their removal, parties, groups and individuals often played a key role.Finally, during this Review, there was controversy among the Islamic andReligious groups who had not previous had such disputes and multipleviews. As a comprehensive document, the Constitution protects the rights ofall people in the country with their diversity of views and ideas. Hence, thetranscendent dignity of such a document is beyond the political intentions ofany particular group or party. In this paper, we consider how many politicalgroups are trying to follow this degree of the principle of non-discriminationin order to protect the rights of the nation. For consistency, the contents ofpresent essay are divided into three sections, related to the time and the roleof different individuals and groups involved in the formation of currentConstitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran.Keywords: Constitution, Draft Constitution, Political participation, Expertsof Constitution Assembly, Political parties.