According to Article 156(5) of the Iranian Constitution, the prevention ofcrime by appropriate means is a duty of the Judiciary Power. It is obviousthat the Judiciary alone, without the cooperation of the other Powers, willnot succeed in fulfilling this significant duty. This, therefore, requiresconsistency and integration between the Judiciary and the other Powers,planning and determining the nature of this link, along with preparing themethods and models of cooperation and its appropriate instruments.However, the Judiciary, within its own framework, needs to provideappropriate weapons in order to prevent crime as effectively as possible. TheChief Prosecutor, as the chief of the Prosecution Service can play asignificant role in making operational this task of the Judiciary. In this paper,an attempt is made to explain and analyse this organizational role of theProsecutor, as much as possible, by making frequent reference to the factthat, for the purpose of crime prevention, the prosecutor is a member ofdifferent state organizations and institutions such as the Community Watchand Prevention Headquarters, the Prevention and Combating SpecificCrimes Headquarters and the Council for the Preservation of State Assets inrelation to Public Property and Natural Resources.Keywords:Prosecutor, Prevention of Crime, Situational Crime Prevention, OrganizationalPrevention, Criminality, Delinquency.