
ایجاد تعادل در حوزههای تولید، توزیع، مباد لات و مصرف، نقطه اشتراک قابلتوجه حقوق و اقتصاد است. نظام حقوقی به کمک حقوق اقتصادی پدید ههایجدید اقتصادی را درک کرده و ضمن نظم بخشیدن به روابط در این زمینه، سعیبر ایجاد تعادل در روابط اقتصادی دارد. با این نگاه، حقوق اقتصادی، عامل ایجادنظم و تعادل در امور حقوقی و سیاست اقتصادی خواهد بود.Economic lawAbstract:Economic law is created on the basis of new necessities and with regard tothe use of legal rules. This branch of law comprises a collection of legalrules, structures, formality, institutions and methods in response to theincreasing influence of the economic system in modern communities.Economic law, through the use of legal rules, regulates important economicsubjects of the economy, such as: goods and service prices, foreigninvestment, currency, wages, exports and imports, banks, insurance,securities , credit, taxes, competition, production, distribution, consumptionand other economic matters.This branch of law attempts to create order, justice and a balance in therelations between natural and legal persons in the community bycategorizing the available legal rules and the creation of new ones. From thisviewpoint, economic law ordains legal rules with public, private and evencriminal dimensions in community (national or international) andmicroeconomic and macroeconomic aspects.Economic law is interventionist in many cases and its rules are, in manycases, similar to the rules of public law. Economic law regulates theproduction, distribution and consumption of goods and services. Withgovernment support and private sector initiatives, it organizes economic lifeand the production and circulation of wealth. Furthermore, it creates abalance in production, distribution, exchange and consumption and is thecrossing point of law and economy. Legal systems understand new economicphenomena with the help of economic law and, by ordering the relationshipsin this area, attempts to create balance in economic relationships. In thisview, economic law creates order and balance in legal affairs and economicpolicy.Key words: Economic law, Economic analysis of law, Law and Economics,Balance.

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