The Use of Civil Aviation Investigation Reports by theJudicial System


When an aviation accident or incident occurs, the authorities conduct athorough investigation. According to Annex 13 of the Chicago Conventionof 1945 , the sole objective of the investigation of an accident or incidentshall be the prevention of such accidents and incidents. It is not the purposeof this activity to apportion blame or liability. In most countries, there isspecific legislation to prevent the judicial system from unjustified orimproper use of the technical and personal information discovered during anaccident investigation. This article examines the legal background of aircraftaccident investigation in international law and proposes some amendmentsto the prevailing Iranian legislation.Keywords: Aircraft accident, Aircraft incident, Chicago Convention, Airaccident investigation

الف)کتاب ها
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فصلنامه تحقیقات حقوقی شماره 70 استفاده دستگاه قضایی از نظرات کارشناسی ...
ج) اسناد
9. 49 U.S.C. § II 54(b) (2006).
10. 49 U.S.C. § § III(a), II 32(a) (2006).
11. Chicago Convention, 1944, ICAO Doc, 7300/6, 156 UNTS 6605.
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13. Civil aviation Bill 73 of 2008, Memorandum(S.Afr.).
14. Council Directive of 16 Dec. 1980 on Future Cooperation and Mutual
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د)آراء دادگا هها
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