A Review of the Persian Translation of Leviathan Following LegalConcepts



ng>:Legal expressions and concepts are abundant in many of fundamental textsof the modern political thought. The language of law has been one of themain arenas within which discussion about political thought has taken place.Therefore, when these texts are translated or transmitted into otherlanguages, the meaning and the content of the legal expressions and conceptsin terms of their scope and connotations should be considered. Only in thissituation can one rely on these translations and they deserve to be cited. Sothe revision and reconsideration of these texts from the point of view of legalconcepts may be very useful and necessary. In order to demonstrate thisargument, this paper focuses on legal expressions and concepts found in thePersian translation of Leviathan and their precision and accuracy areevaluated.Keywords: Leviathan (in translation), Legal concepts, Silence of law,Author, Representation 

الف) فارسی
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ب) لاتین
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14. Hobbes, Thomas, Léviathan, trad. Fr. F. Tricaud, Paris, Dalloz, 1999.
15. Hobbes, Thomas, Leviathan, Editor/introduction, C. B. MacPherson,
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