
class="a">Commercial courts are among the most important special courts. Some countries understood importance of these courts  in order to ,professional ,precise, rapid  and low cost hearing to the commercial litigations and add  it to other references in their judicial system. But there are not these important special courts in our judicial system and the lack of these courts sometimes prolongs the Process of hearing to the important and  sensitive  commercial  litigations with high pretension ,In despite of need for rapid and precise Determination. Until now there was no comprehensive and independent research and study about these courts , Especially the necessity or lack of necessity of them in Iran.We want to justify the necessity of revitalize these courts in Iran By referring to the specifications of commercial law, illustrious experience of commercial courts in France and the problems originated from the lack of these courts in a judicial system.Key wordsCommercial Litigations, Commercial Procedure, Special Court, General Court. 

فهرست منابع
الف) فارسی
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فصلنامه تحقیقات حقوقی شماره 73 لزوم احیای دادگا ههای تجاری در ایران
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ب) لاتین
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