
>One of the most important freedoms for diplomatic and consular missions is freedom of formal communication with the sender state or its others representatives. One of the pillars of this freedom is using the courier for sending the correspondences and documents with diplomatic bag.  Freedom of communications of diplomatic missions codified in the four conventions of diplomatic law since 1961. But, in these conventions enough support for diplomatic courier and bag is not predicted. To overcome this defect, legal Committee of the General Assembly of the United Nations and the International Law Commission (ILC) started the study of legal protection of diplomatic courier and bag and more explicitly the “legal protection of the diplomatic courier and the diplomatic bag not accompanied by courier” in 1980 and ratified draft plan entitled “Status of the Diplomatic Courier and the Diplomatic Bag not Accompanied by Diplomatic Courier in 1989. The aim of the ratification of this draft was the codification of uniform and coherence rules and consistent with all kinds of couriers and bags. This draft solved many of existing defects in legal protection of the diplomatic courier and bag and abuse of these means of communication and other problems. But due to conflict of interests of countries, despite the years of efforts of the International Law Commission and the General Assembly of the United Nations, approval of this draft and adopting the uniform method on diplomatic and consular bag, so far, has not been possible.Key words Diplomatic communications, Diplomatic law, Sending state, Receiving state, Diplomatic courier and bag.

فهرست منابع
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