ماده 214 قانون برنامه پنج ساله پنجم اکتفا نمود؛ به علاوه کارآمدی قانون نیز منوط به رعایت اصولی است که در بالا به آنها اشاره گردید.


In both developed and developing countries, in order to enhance socialwelfare and the development of their infrastructure the efficient mechanismof public-private partnerships is employed. Operating a public-privatepartnership requires an appropriate legal basis and, in order to do so, twoimportant and fundamental questions need to be answered: First, what is thelegal status of Iran towards public-private partnerships? Next, what arethe appropriate legal principles governing the regulation of private publicpartnerships? At first glance it seems that, in all the rules developed after theIslamic Revolution, it has sometimes been noted either wholly or partiallythat they could not be sufficient. In addition it can be said that the mereexistence of a special law, is not sufficient alone and the efficiency of therule depends on principles such as fairness, transparency, consistency,predictability, a firm legal framework and a clear policy for the privatesector. Studying the legal status of Iran towards public-private partnershipsand the principles governing these has led to the conclusion that, at somepoints after the Revolution, this subject matter was considered either whollyor partially as unsatisfactory and we cannot be content Article 214 (b) of theFifth Five-Year alone. In addition, the effectiveness of the law is subject tothe aforementioned principles.Keywords:Public-private partnerships, Infrastructure development, Public sector,Private sector.

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