الف( فارسی
.5 شمس، استاد دکتر عبدالله؛ آیین دادرسی مدنی دوره پیشرفته، ج دوم، چ سی و دوم،
. انتشارات دراش، تهران، سال 5930
.0 دیبافر، سهیلا؛ نظام ادله در داوری تجاری بین المللی، چ اول، انتشارات دادنام ،
. تهران، سال 5939
ب( لاتین
9. A.Mourre, “ L’administration de la preuve orale dans l’arbitrage international : état des lieux et perspectives d’évolution “, in , J. Rosell , Les arbitrage internationaux, société de législation comparée , 0221.
9. Anne Veronique Schlaepfer and Philippe Bartsch, A Few Reflections on the Assessment of Evidence by International Arbitrators , Revue de Droit des Affaires Internationales , Number 9, 0252.
1. Claude Reymond, “ Civil law and common law procedures: which is the more inquisitorial? A common lawyers response “ in Lara Unfer, L’administration de la preuve en arbitrage international. Étude comparative France / Etats-Unis.
1. Craig, Park, Paulsson, «International Chamber of commerce arbitration», 9rd ed., Oceania Publishers, Paris, 0222.
9. Fatou NDIORO NIANG ; La pratique de l'arbitrage dans le règlement du contentieux commercial. Cas de la Chambre arbitrale de Dakar , Institut supérieur de management de Dakar , Licence en droit des affaires 0255.
2. George C. Economou, Admissibility and Presentation of Evidence in International Commercial Arbitration in www.greeklawdigest.gr.
3. Gorshkova Elena , Evidence by Witness in International Commercial Arbitration, Course of International Disputes Settlement in Central European University.
52. Guy Pendell, David Bridge, Arbitration in England and Wales, in https://eguides.cmslegal.com/.
55. Lara unfer, L’administration de la preuve en arbitrage international. Étude comparative France / Etats-Unis , Mémoire de master 0 recherche
فصلنامه تحقیقات حقوقی شماره 76 تحلیل نظری و کاربردی بر چالش های نوین تحصیل ادله...
de droit européen comparé , Université Panthéon-Assas - Institut de Droit Comparé , 0250-0259.
50. P .Fouchard, E. Gaillard, B. Goldman, “ On International Commercial Arbitration “ , Kluwer, 5333.
59. Trever C. Hartley , International Commercial Litigation, Cambridge University Press, 0223.
59. L. Vercauteren, “ The taking of evidence in international arbitration “ , American Review of International Arbitration, 0250.
51. N. Blackaby , C. Partasides , A. Redfen , M. Hunter, “ On International Arbitration, Applicable Laws “ , Oxford University Press, 0223.
51. Y. Derains, “ La pratique de l’administration de la preuve dans l’arbitrage commercial international “ , Revue de l’arbitrage, 0229.
سایت های اینترنتی
59. http://blogs.u-paris52.fr/content/lattribution-de-la-charge-de-la-preuve-facilit%C93A3-et-disponibilit%C93A3-par-olivier-javel
52. http://professoralexstein.com/images/Evidence_Probability_BOP.pdf
53. “Commentary on the revised text of the 0252 IBA rules on taking of evidence in international arbitration“ in www.ibanet.org