International Distribution contract is one of the most important agreement on the international trade law. Distribution contracts are agreements concluded between a supplier and a distributor. The supplier agrees to supply the distributor with products. The distributor commits itself to purchasing, distributing and promoting such products in its own name and on its behalf. By means of a distribution contract parties organize the distribution. this contract is a framework agreement, which provides the context for subsequent contracts. due to absence of distribution legislation and lack of important provisions in Iran, the main issue is in this thesis if Iran legal system have capacity of assent this contract. In order to do so, firstly, this work is introduced to the nature of a distribution agreement and assess its with foundamental legal contract In Iran legal system. Accordace with the analyzed, confirm that distribution contract is a framework agreement which infrastructure is the nature of it, in spite of the lack of a solid legal framework on this agreement in Iran and not indentical with other legal entity.
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Shiravi, A. and nikuie, M. (2019). Ananlaysing the Nature of International Distribution Agreement and itʼs Situation in Iranian Legal System. Legal Research Quarterly, 21(84), 43-70. doi: 10.22034/jlr.2018.112013.1067
Shiravi, A. , and nikuie, M. . "Ananlaysing the Nature of International Distribution Agreement and itʼs Situation in Iranian Legal System", Legal Research Quarterly, 21, 84, 2019, 43-70. doi: 10.22034/jlr.2018.112013.1067
Shiravi, A., nikuie, M. (2019). 'Ananlaysing the Nature of International Distribution Agreement and itʼs Situation in Iranian Legal System', Legal Research Quarterly, 21(84), pp. 43-70. doi: 10.22034/jlr.2018.112013.1067
A. Shiravi and M. nikuie, "Ananlaysing the Nature of International Distribution Agreement and itʼs Situation in Iranian Legal System," Legal Research Quarterly, 21 84 (2019): 43-70, doi: 10.22034/jlr.2018.112013.1067
Shiravi, A., nikuie, M. Ananlaysing the Nature of International Distribution Agreement and itʼs Situation in Iranian Legal System. Legal Research Quarterly, 2019; 21(84): 43-70. doi: 10.22034/jlr.2018.112013.1067