Representation theory in the light of political philosophy and public law

Document Type : Original Article


Representation as a political and legal institution is established in the following of theoretical evolutions of the modernism and the theory of popular and national sovereignty and it is considered as a fundamental institution in the representative democracy. The fundamental basis of the representation theory is justified according to human dignity, equality and free and independent will of the individual in individual and social self-determination.
Such an approach to representation is derived of the efforts of political and legal thinkers of classical and modern that today has been shown in modern democracies with the functioning of the welfare state and the guarantee of fundamental human rights.
This article try to discuss as to how to interact between the representation theory and applying the public will and in this regard and with the descriptive analysis approach, a fundamental question arises: What is represented? Who is represented? How is an individual decision justified for else?
and assuming that in the representation theory, the rule of the people, the collective will of the public and public interest are represented and the delegate is responsible before the public will and demands of the people.


Main Subjects

الف- فارسی:
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