Varieties and privileges of Preferred Stocks

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor at Shahid Beheshti University

2 LLM in Private Law


In addition to common stock, the most important source of financing public and private companies, preferred stocks are other important securities. What differ between these two stocks are the privileges and features of preferred stock that common stocks don’t have. Nowadays, such a share is an appropriate tool for investing in emerging or emerging companies as well as companies facing a financial crisis, and investors will not be willing to invest in them in the normal way without obtaining specific rates. Nowadays, such a share is an appropriate tool for investing in emerging or emerging companies as well as companies facing a financial crisis, and investors will not be willing to invest in them in the normal way without obtaining specific rates. While these benefits are wide and varied, Iranian legislator, just in clause 2 Article 24 commercial code bill, define this type of stock but don’t speak about the privileges and practice of them in details. In this descriptive and analytical study, the authors have attempted to study the nature and typology of preferred stock in pioneer countries and then, suggest strategies in order to improve the legislation or jurisprudence in this field.


Main Subjects

فهرست منابع
الف) منابع فارسی
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