فهرست منابع
الف) منابع فارسی
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منبع الکترونیک
http://www.icicl.org 19 . مرکز حقوق کیفری بین المللی ایران
ب) منابع انگلیسی
20. Dethan ,Claire and shorts Edwin, International Criminal Law and Human
Rights, Sweet Maxwell London, 2003.
21. Gideon Boas and William A. Schabas,International Humanitarian Law
Series,volume6, International Criminal Law Developments in the Case Law of
the ICTY, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
22. William A.Schabas, An Introduction To The International Criminal Court,
Cambridge University Press, 2007.
23. Iryna Marchuk, The Fundamental Concept of Crime in International Criminal
Law, Springer, 2013.
24. Ambos, Kai,’’ Joint criminal Enterprise and Command Responsibility’’, Journal
of International Criminal Justice 5 (2007),.
25. Zahar, A. “How Judges Think: Strengthening Defence Approaches to Joint
Criminal Enterprise and Closing Arguments”, Annual Conference of the Defence
Bar of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, 12 December, (2009).
فصلنامه تحقیقات حقوقی شماره 82 نظریة فعالیت مجرمانة مشترک در پرتو آرای دادگاه کیفری...
26. Catherine H. Gibson, “Testing the Legitimacy of the Joint Criminal Enterprise
Doctrine in the ICTY: A Comparison of Individual Liability for Group Conduct
in International and Domestic Law”, Duke Journal of Comparative &
International Law, Vol. 18, No. 521, (2008).
27. Brdanin Radoslav, 3 April 2007, ICTY, Appeal Judgment, Case No. IT-9621-A.
28. Blagojevic, 17 January 2005, ICTY, Trial Judgment, Case No. IT-02-60-T.
29. Case Information Sheet, Duško Tadić, International Criminal Tribunal for the
former Yugoslavia.
30. 4- Case Information Sheet, Milan Martic, International Criminal Tribunal for the
former Yugoslavia.
31. Delalic and others, 20 February 2001, ICTY, Appeal Judgment, Case No. IT-
32. Duško Tadić, 15 July 1999, ICTY, Appeal Judgment, Case No. IT-94-T.
33. Gustav Alfred Jepsen and others, 24 Agust 1946, Proceeding of a War Crimes
Trial held at Luneberg, Germany.
34. Kvočka and others, 28 February 2005, ICTY, Appeal Judgement, Case No. IT-
35. Krnojelac Milorad, 17 September 2003, ICTY, Appeal Judgement, IT-97-25-A.
36. Milan Martic, 8 October 2008, ICTY, Appeal Judgement, IT-95-11-A.
37. Milutinovic and others, 26 February 2009, ICTY, Trial Judgment, Case No. IT-
05- 87-T.
38. Prosecutor v. Milutinović and others, ICTY, Case No. IT-99-37-AR72.
39. popovic and others, 30 January 2015, ICTY, Appeal Judgment, Case No. IT-05-
40. Sainovic and others, 23 January 2014, ICTY, Appeal judgment, Case No. IT-05-
41. Trial of Feutstein and others, 24 August 1948, Proceedings of a War Crimes
Trial held at Hamburg, Germany.
A- Persian
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فصلنامه تحقیقات حقوقی شماره 82 نظریة فعالیت مجرمانة مشترک در پرتو آرای دادگاه کیفری...
6. Borna Zade, Pejman and Saybani, Alireza, a Method for Reviewing the
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Quarterly Journal, Spring of 2016, Issue 1, pp. 1-17.
7. Janipour, Mojtaba and Ladmekhi, Masume, a Broad Conception of Joint Criminal
Enterprise under International Criminal Law, Pajuheshhay-e-Hoquqi Journal,
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8. Abolfath, Khaleghi and Mirzayi Moghaddam, Morteze, International Criminal
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9. Zakerian, Mehdi and Aghaalikhani, Mehdi, a Review of the International
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11. Christopher Greenwood, International Criminal Tribunal for the Former
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12. Momeni, Mehdi, General Principles of Legality of Crime and Punishment in
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Thesis and Dissertations:
16. Shapour, Esmailian, Criminal Thought to Realization of Criminal Action, M.A.
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17. Aghayi Jannat Makan, Hosein, Superior and Inferior Responsibility under
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18. Abdollahi, Afahin, Developments in Philosophies of Punishment in Light of
Crime Risk Theory, M.A. dissertation, Tehran, Shahid Beheshti University,
Online resources
19. http://www.icicl.org - Iranian Center for International Criminal Law
فصلنامه تحقیقات حقوقی شماره 82 نظریة فعالیت مجرمانة مشترک در پرتو آرای دادگاه کیفری...
B- Latin
20. Dethan ,Claire and shorts Edwin (2003), International Criminal Law and Human
Rights, Sweet Maxwell London.
21 Gideon Boas and William A. Schabas,International Humanitarian Law
Series,volume6, International Criminal Law Developments in the Case Law of
the ICTY, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
22. William A.Schabas, An Introduction To The International Criminal Court,
Cambridge University Press, 2007.
23. Iryna Marchuk, The Fundamental Concept of Crime in International Criminal
Law, Springer, 2013.
24. Ambos, Kai
, Joint criminal Enterprise and Command Responsibility, Journal of International
Criminal Justice 5 (2007), 159-183.
25. Zahar, A. “How Judges Think: Strengthening Defence Approaches to Joint
Criminal Enterprise and Closing Arguments”, Annual Conference of the Defence
Bar of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, 12 December, (2009).
26. Catherine H. Gibson, “Testing the Legitimacy of the Joint Criminal Enterprise
Doctrine in the ICTY: A Comparison of Individual Liability for Group Conduct
in International and Domestic Law”, Duke Journal of Comparative &
International Law, Vol. 18, No. 521, (2008).
27. Brdanin Radoslav, 3 April 2007, ICTY, Appeal Judgment, Case No. IT-9621-A.
28. Blagojevic, 17 January 2005, ICTY, Trial Judgment, Case No. IT-02-60-T.
29. Case Information Sheet, Duško Tadić, International Criminal Tribunal for the
former Yugoslavia.
30. Case Information Sheet, Milan Martic, International Criminal Tribunal for the
former Yugoslavia.
31. Delalic and others, 20 February 2001, ICTY, Appeal Judgment, Case No. IT-
32. Duško Tadić, 15 July 1999, ICTY, Appeal Judgment, Case No. IT-94-T.
33. Gustav Alfred Jepsen and others, 24 Agust 1946, Proceeding of a War Crimes
Trial held at Luneberg, Germany.
34. Kvočka and others, 28 February 2005, ICTY, Appeal Judgement, Case No. IT-
35. Krnojelac Milorad, 17 September 2003, ICTY, Appeal Judgement, IT-97-25-A.
36. Milan Martic, 8 October 2008, ICTY, Appeal Judgement, IT-95-11-A.
37. Milutinovic and others, 26 February 2009, ICTY, Trial Judgment, Case No. IT-
05- 87-T.
38. Prosecutor v. Milutinović and others, ICTY, Case No. IT-99-37-AR72
39. popovic and others, 30 January 2015, ICTY, Appeal Judgment, Case No.
فصلنامه تحقیقات حقوقی شماره 82 نظریة فعالیت مجرمانة مشترک در پرتو آرای دادگاه کیفری...
40. Sainovic and others, 23 January 2014, ICTY, Appeal judgment, Case No. IT-05-
41. Trial of Feutstein and others, 24 August 1948, Proceedings of a War Crimes
Trial held at Hamburg, Germany.