Legal Status of Labor of Children in Iran, In The Light Of Article IV of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Document Type : Original Article


Child labour is a pretext for exploitation potential capacity of future generation by current generation. Child laborer misses the time of personal development. Various methodes have been applied by legal systems to fight against child labour. Choice of legal system of Iran, forbidding the labour of child under fifteen without exception, seems incompatible with cultural and economical realities of society. Putting limitation to all types of work and forbidding slavish one, in a responsive manner, is more practical way to fight against child labour. Elements of slavery are: 1.exercising any or all of the powers attaching to the right of ownership over a human; 2.not having private time; 3.doing the worst form of labour. Put an end on child slavery requires crucial will of government to reform legal system via active monitoring, responsibility of private sector for child labour, review child legal status and distinguishing between types of work conditions and minimum employment age.


Main Subjects

فهرست منابع
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