A View to Advantages and Challenges of Consideration of International Disputes in Chambers of International Court of Justice

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Beheshti University

2 PHD Student of International Law



International Court of Justice can judge an Contentious Claim in his Chamber and with fewer Judges of those of the Court at the Request of the Parties of Dispute. According to Statute and Rules of International Court of Justice, it is possible to Create three types of Chambers in ICJ that Distinctions are Visible between their Functions in spite of Items of Numerous Likeness. so far, this Chambers have Welcomed from Referring States to ICJ. After Explicating and Describing of types of Chamber of ICJ, Relation and Distinction of those with the ICJ and Consideration of Advantages such as Acceleration of Proceedings, Reduction in Costs, Wide Discretion of the Parties of Dispute in relation with the Composition of the Chamber, and Challenges such as Creation of Fragmentation, Activity of non-member Judges of ICJ in Chamber, the Negative Impact of Work Pressure on the Judges that are Simultaneous member of Chamber and ICJ, this Article is to Responses this question whether Resorting of parties of Dispute to Chamber of ICJ have Advantages over Resorting to ICJ for them.


الف-منابع فارسی:
1. بیگ زاده، ابراهیم. حقوق سازمان های بین المللی، چاپ چهارم، تهران: انتشارات مجد، 1394.
2. تی یری، هوبر. قاضی ویژه در دیوان بین المللی دادگستری، ترجمه ی ابراهیم بیگ زاده، مجله حقوقی بین المللی، 1383، شماره سی ام، صص 84-75.
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