the effects of pragmatism on legal interpretation

Document Type : Original Article


1 shahid beheshti university

2 university of qom


Pragmatism is an approach which focuses on satisfaction of consequences instead of essential elements of a phenomena. The definition guide us that pragmatism effects a widespread influence on social sciences. The pragmatic movement on law began in fist twenty centuries and have raised until today. This article is seeking to study the effects of pragmatism on judicial interpretation. For this aim, we list the elements of classic interpretation and compare or adjust them to new approach. In classic view, the judge must find truth but a pragmatic person does not believe in a given result as true one; all approaches, even some conflicting approaches may be true. Classic interpretation trends to textual interpretation and systemic analogy. Systemic analogy make these dimensions: essentialism, sovereignty of legal principles and logical interpretation. On the contrary, legal pragmatism is guided to contextualism, antiessentialism and induction. this comparison guide us to a novel nethod of interpretation


فهرست منابع
الف) منابع فارسی
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