Non-fiscal effects misrepresentation in medical

Document Type : Original Article


1 Tehran University

2 university of tehran


Medical fertilization are artificial reproduction techniques, that have‌‌been welcomed in recent years by countless couples. In a variety of medical fertilization methods, there is possibility of misrepresentation that occurrence and has many challenges. Some of these, occur in non-fiscal effects such as origin, guardianship and custody. The necessity to attention to these, the lack‌ of a clear legal solution and the silence of the legislator, the new crises will ‌encroach on these methods, and instead of solving the problem of infertility of young couples, will create more serious problems. We conclude that the child's origin arising‌from deception doesnot destroy and the blood relationship continues to exist ; however, some specialists consider as illegitimate origin. guardianship will return to the owner‌of the sperm in the event‌of fraud from a heterogeneous fertilization by donors and homogeneous there is no effect on the guardianship. In ‌the‌ event‌of deception by donors and the dismissal of the child by receiver, custody is the responsibility of the donors. If the medical team or health center is committed, the child custody costs can be claimed from the deceiver .
In Britain, misrepresentation in medical fertilization also has different effects. There is no jurisprudential guardianship in this country. Also, custody will ultimately be assumed by other support institutions if the donors and receiver do‌not accept custody. in this respect support of the child is well‌received. origin also has lost its true meaning in this country, because the legal approach is towards the contractual nature of this concept.


Main Subjects

  1. منابع و مآخذ:

    الف) منابع فارسی

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