Functions of “Commercial Companies Registration’’ in the creation of trust and Transaction Security

Document Type : Original Article


University of Tehran


The identification of legal entities and determination of their legal status, as an introduction to creating "transaction security", in contracts with companies, is one of the issues that increasingly being considered by governments and intergovernmental organizations. It has led the governments to care of registration as a means to ensure the stability of legal status of companies. But the reviews show, practically the registration institute has not been able to meet the public's requirements in the field of contract security signed by commercial companies. This paper, with a comparative and analytical approach, has reached the conclusion that this is related to the lack of attention paid by the legal systems to the two "protective" and " declarative" legal functions of registration system and tools to achieve it and "effective" communication between the two common factors of all legal systems in the field of commercial companies, namely; "independent legal entity " and "registration" by effect of registration in The Constitution and inposability of the registered information, and the establishment of the assuring of the accuracy of the recorded information based on the adoption of a data recording research method and public confidence theory, provides context for the fulfillment of both functions and in result, incorporation will be enforced in contract security.


Main Subjects

فهرست منابع
الف) منابع فارسی
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