A Deliberation in Relation Between Companies and their Stakeholders

Document Type : Original Article



New-a-day, the stability of companies activities demands a kind of balance between interests of those
groups who have an efficient communication with company. Some of these groups participate in the process of production and profit making. Some others are only under social power of company. However, what this article is looking for, is to find how this efficient communication occurs between a company and its stakeholders.
A Deliberation in Relation Between Companies
and their Stakeholders
New-a-day, the stability of companies activities demands a kind of balance between interests of those groups who have an efficient communication with company. Some of these groups participate in the process of production and profit making. Some others are only under social power of company. However, what this article is looking for, is to find how this efficient communication occurs between a company and its stakeholders.
Balance, Stability, Social responsibility, Companies Success.


فهرست منابع
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