Unenforceability, as a sanction relating to legal acts, seems to be different from other remedies thereof in several manners. According to us, unenforceability may be characterized as formal and mixed sanctions applicable in the case ad probationem requirements of a legal act are breached. The very roots of unenforceability can be traced back in some outstanding institutions (i.e. legal security of transactions, efficiency of legal provisions the necessity to protect third parties of good faith and théorie de l'apparrence. Therefore, it does not emanate primarily in civil law (sensu stricto) but in commercial law. Unenforceability has experimented either ignorance or misunderstanding by Iranian scholars during decades. Thus, it is necessary to reconsider this significant entity, recognize components thereof and address its independent nature in comparison with competing and/or concurrent ones. This study shows that it is a must to distinguish unenforceability of contract from other remedies including inter alia, Moraa, voidance and voidable contracts.
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saatchi, A., mohaghegh, S. M., & haghani, S. (2018). reexamination of unenforceablility of legal acts a comparative analysis wiith french law. Legal Research Quarterly, 21(83), 11-34. doi: 10.22034/jlr.2018.130447.1163
ali saatchi; seeyyed mostafa mohaghegh; saeed haghani. "reexamination of unenforceablility of legal acts a comparative analysis wiith french law", Legal Research Quarterly, 21, 83, 2018, 11-34. doi: 10.22034/jlr.2018.130447.1163
saatchi, A., mohaghegh, S. M., haghani, S. (2018). 'reexamination of unenforceablility of legal acts a comparative analysis wiith french law', Legal Research Quarterly, 21(83), pp. 11-34. doi: 10.22034/jlr.2018.130447.1163
saatchi, A., mohaghegh, S. M., haghani, S. reexamination of unenforceablility of legal acts a comparative analysis wiith french law. Legal Research Quarterly, 2018; 21(83): 11-34. doi: 10.22034/jlr.2018.130447.1163