The internal Morality of Law in the view of Lon Fuller

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Public Law, Faculty of Law, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran


The internal morality of the law is title of eight principles that states the idea of the rule of law in the thought of Lon Fuller. Based on this idea, it is necessary, to apply something as law, to pass a test that containing the above principles; so that in the absence of these principles, then we do not have any legal system, not even a bad legal system. From Fuller's point of view, the internal morality of law will lead to the reduction of all types of government injustices. These principles help the legal system, based on the moral values of the relationships between citizens and officials, to establish a social relationship between them and to ensure respect for the self-determination of individuals - as autonomous and accountable subjects. law's internal morality is neutral toward variety of substantive aims of law, and is incompatible with injustice and undesirable aims, and is a moral and non-instrumentally virtue based on which it is possible to justify a necessary of the connection between law and substantive morality.


Main Subjects

منابع و مآخذ
کتب فارسی
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